Did anyone forget about ethics?!

Soo I almost forgot that ethics still needs to be reviewed! I am looking for recommendations or thoughts on best way to approach it? I have heard CFA materials - but how much can honestly stick on 200+ pages of boring reading?

Does anyone have or know of a nice concise ‘cheat sheet’ or have any other thoughts to a successful approach on the subject matter?

Don’t mess around with ethics. Probably why I failed last year. Take the time.

I suspect that that depends on how dedicated one is to passing the exam. One approach is to study it and learn it between now and June 1, boring though it may be. Another approach is to wait and learn it before June 7 . . . 2014.

Good place to start: http://www.investopedia.com/exam-guide/cfa-level-1/ethics-standards/default.asp

Keep in mind the additional items presented for level two: Soft Dollar Standards etc.

I have the same dilemma. I don’t really know where to start with Ethics.

Breaking it down, we have the following to cover:

a. The L1 Stuff

b. Soft Dollar

c. Research and Objectivity

d. Those example cases

My strategy:

For the L1 stuff, I did the first 30 questions in the EOCs and scored 90%, so I think I’m good to go without re-reading stuff. What else do I need to do here besides practice questions?

For Soft Dollar and Research and Objectivity, I’m going to read the actual text. Is the trick here to know all the “Must Do” vs. the “Recommended”? Is that where people get tripped up? There don’t appear to be many practice questions for this so difficult to gauge level of understanding. How does one know one has mastered this section?

For the example cases, I read the Schweser summaries of them. Not sure what to make of these. It’s like, okay, that’s great, what am I meant to take away here?

I think where I’m struggling with this section is that I don’t know what’s difficult about this section. This is unlike say derivs, where you can very quickly tell if you know the material or not.

Can someone share their strategy or point out where they went wrong with this section. I’ve also procrastinated looking into Ethics and it’s now time to start paying it the attention it deserves.

“Cheat sheet” for ethics? That’s probably the only section that can’t be “cheat sheeted.”

I know… reading is hard…

How long does it take you to read 200 pages?

like, a month

Highlight the “tricks” and the nuances. That’s the stuff they will probably ask

Highlight the “tricks” and the nuances. That’s the stuff they will probably ask

Oh, the irony!

I’ve gone through almost all the rest of the material twice but haven’t started ethics yet. I plan to put in like 20-30 hours on it in May. I find I forget a lot of the qualitative stuff faster than quantitative so I saved ethics for the end.