Did you know...

…if you use your personal iphone for work email and don’t set it up properly, every new contact you make since you started at the firm, shows up in your work’s outlook people tab?

I dunno how y’all keep track but I use a number of dating apps and for the girl’s last name, I put the name of the dating app, and also load a picture (sometimes not the most work appropriate one) to remember who I’m talking to. I use iMessage as sort of a central CRM.

Found that out today when my MD was behind my shoulder asking about my availability and I accidentally clicked on People for the first time, instead of calendar…

Also, if you delete them… the contact disappears and you are left with a faceless, nameless contact Imessage for every single conversation.

You should android to avoid these types of senseless bugs

i knew this. when i found out, i showed my co workers how many numbers i get from a certain location. i have an exact nomenclature when adding contacts. name - location i met - rating. so you ask for nudes? lol