Did you pass the exams?

Congratulations, prkapoor!

Congratulations, Steve!

You’re very kind, and quite welcome.

Congratulations, Duke!

Congratulations, sydneyguy!

Congratulations, M Waqas!

Congratulations, moxnguyen!

Congratulations, clair!

Congratulations, bos!

Congratulations, raw10006!

Congratulations, onparity!

Congratulations, pupp3T!

Congratulations, mglasses!


Thank you S2000magician!

How nice is that, S2000magician taking care to congrat each one. I’m trully happy to know someone like him, God bless you !!

I am following this forum for a while and never post before however i decided to write and thanks to all the good advices i have received also i want to wish all the best to the candidates who passed ( including me) in their professional careers for those who did not pass the L1 Exam don’t give up I’ve been through this and it is very frustrating i know but sooner or later your work will pay off no one can take the experience you have earned.

Congratulations, playstan211!

My pleasure.

You’re very kind.

Congratulations, SCS!