Dietitians vs Nutrition Excellence

Even the most hardcore primal eaters recommend a cheat day once a week or so. If nothing else it reminds you of the bloated, bound up, inflamed feeling you get from eating grains and sugar. That’s enough to keep you on track forever. It also allows you to have a social life and not worry about what you’re going to eat with friends or when you’re not the one preparing the meal.

a) get six pack

b) MMA fight (still I know much prolonged)

in past 2 weeks have gone 215 to 206 , 34in waist to 33in, will prob hit 32@200 with six pack with goal fight weight of 185 meaning I would still train around 195/200

i don’t plan to fight for a while but still train in fighting

It’s not that hard for me to get lean (plus I have pretty recent muscle memory), I’ve just been really busy and ordering pizza and Chinese food and other crap a lot as well as the fact that getting back to lean in the gym is just time consuming in terms of workout time and always going to the store for an increased metabolism. I’ve been pushing to the brink of injury in the past two weeks with 1.5-3 hrs in the gym everyday. I haven’t had any major injuries thus far as I am focusing more on low-injury prone excerises that take longer but are safer if I’m going to push for over 2hrs. I take a lot of Vega recovery among a variety of whole plant based unprocessed foods.

I usually just eat it straight up without olive oil. I don’t usually get iceberg because it is a bit useless. Most of it is a white color with small green tips. You really want to seek out dark green leafy lettuces. I personally like romaine, but there are others that are healthier. The tips of romaine are relatively green and have the most nutrients. Kale and spinach are the heavy hitters as they are both dark green. I usually don’t eat kale except in protein shakes and with spinach I just sautee it in a pan with extra virgin olive oil and have it with portabellos or something. There is a certain kind of lettuce that I find the healthiest that is in higher end food stores where it is still growing. You literally buy a living piece of lettuce (roots intact) and I can kill the whole thing just sitting down over a period of 20 min. Hummus is good with it but I just eat it straight sometimes. The more dark green leafy vegetables you can get in your diet, the better.

How do you do heavy deads and squats while on this calorie deficit? I dont think I could do it ACE.

I talked about this with my nutritionist friend. When I spend time in the gym, I am preparing my body to build muscle. I will not reap the benefits without the proper nutrition. If I don’t refuel appropriately, the time in the gym is wasted. Protein is a major factor. My goal is to have as high of a plant based diet as possible, but if I feel my body needs a steak, I’ll get a steak. I’m just trying to stay away from some of the more unhealthy options. I don’t view bacon or butter or anything like that as unhealthy. I view fried foods, starches, and white bread as things that bring us down. But, if I’m at home, I might have a massive (whole head of lettuce) salad, with black beans, salsa, and avocado or something. Trail mix is great as well. I eat a lot of different kinds of nuts and these give me a lot of protein. Some are fattier than others (like cashews, but cashews are good for the mind). There are other sources you wouldn’t think have protein like pea soup. Amy’s Pea soup has 14g protein in it. Its not a lot, but after a 25-40g Vega protein shake it starts to add up. It took me 8 months to refine a plant based diet that works and it is a bit complex and is a diet I eventually broke. My experience in research in the field as a bystander has currently led me to this hybrid of a diet that allows for flexibility. If i’m in a restaurant and feel like I want protein or a steak, I’ll get it. Instead of fries or a baked potato i’ll get two sides of vegetables or a side salad or something. I feel the no-grain really helps (especially for me), but it is hard for me sometimes as well. Dr. Perlmutter goes into the physiology of a grain free diet in his book ‘Brain Grain’, but also talks about the benefits of mental health derived from being detached from grains. It is a little bit controversial currently but is picking up some visibility. I currently don’t eat grains or anything like that which means cancelling out some of the ‘healthy grains’ nutritionists label like ‘oats’ and ‘wheat’, but it definitely changes the way my body processes food and is working for me right now. Again, i’m pretty flexible on my current routine and have found in the past if you make a diet too hard or restrictive for yourself, you will fail. And, when you fail, you will not bounce back. That mentality should never be taken on. I had that excel project earlier in the week that took FOREVER that I asked about here on and I hit a wall on the data. I was tired from working out earlier and was hungry, but didn’t feel like cooking. So I ordered two medium pizzas and completely destroyed them. I got up the next morning and saw I lost 2lbs. Maybe I really was in a significant deficit that day. I’m not sure - I don’t wear a heart rate monitor. But, I went back to a pretty healthy diet and overall just try to do my best without living to these hard and fast rules like if I’m trying to go vegan for the night and the waitress puts cheese on my salad, i’m not going to be like “take this back, this is not what I requested.” I’m more along the lines of ‘hey’ maybe I needed a little cheese or something. But, my plan is just to maximize unprocessed plant based foods. It takes a bit of training going into the store and stocking up your pantry to live in a sustainable way. Its also psychological. You’ll walk into a store and 85% of the things in the store are out. No-go. It could be depressing, but once you start on a diet packed with plant based foods, you’ll feel incredible results in as little as a few days. There is a bit of a withdrawal from the no-grain factor and its quite tempting at italian restaurants to dip some fresh white bread in olive oil mixed with minced garlic, but you get used to it. And if you feel like having it - do it. Moderation is really the key to almost everything in life and as long as you’re not splurging on all kinds of things, it should be ok. The gym is the equalizer. If you’re pushing yourself you will begin to feel changes in your diet and that will become a sort of motivator to adjust dietary needs. So all in all, yes, I may be having a calorie deficit (technically speaking, however it actually might be close because I’m eating a ton), but I’m trying as hard as possible to fulfuill what my muscles need to appropriately repair and increase in strength day by day.

I’ve been on a cyclical ketogenic diet for about 5 years, and I have no intention of ever going back to a standard american diet. After the first two weeks of keto flu (the fogginess that gringo bob mentioned) I never looked back. I have so much more energy and don’t crash after lunch like I used to. I also have so much more control over my weight and body fat than I used to.

I have carb up days once every week or two, where I drink beer, eat pizza, Portillos, and whatever else I feel like. I often try to time the carb up days around heavy lifting days in order to hit PRs (if that’s what I’m workign on at the time). After readingthe Bulletproof diet, I’ve started eating more “bulletproof” carbs, which seem to prevent me from feeling bloated and inflamed the following day unlike a carb up day full of MCD, beer, and Giordanos - amazing at the time, but I pay for it the next day.

also, keep in mind that an ox or gorilla gets all the protein they need through a plant based diet

Protein-rich diet helps keep gorillas lean It is commonly accepted that terrestrial ecosystems are limited by the rate at which herbivores can acquire protein from plants [14]. Consistent with this tenet are several studies that interpret the predominance of protein-rich leaves in the diets of folivorous primates, including gorillas, to indicate that foraging by these primates is geared towards prioritizing the intake of protein [57].

can you point me to any good reference guides on how to implement this?

So this guy is a wanna be doctor, medical innovator, investor, financier, small business buyer and now MMA fighter.

you forget neuroscience researcher (under 2 neuroscientists with a 3rd possible tomorrow in an interview) as well as a military veteran and large scale abstract artist but hey, this is just the beginning The MCAT is kicking my ass though so maybe I won’t get into MD/PhD programs or med school, who knows (its like 2.5-5% acceptance rate). I should have enough research by application dates next year to have a strong application (providing I get through this horrid horrid MCAT).

^1st ballot HOF

That’s not even a BSD by AF standards. Not when you have someone earning 7 figures in interest on munis, someone stripping while studying for the CFA exams, someone banging 2 women at the same time (one big chested and one thin homely looking), someone working on Obama’s economic team and another dude that can throw 100 mph and played minor league baseball.

AC come to the next Boston meetup. We’ll get a lift in and then head out with the crew, link up with BS.

As for the question about grains and high intensity lifts, i personally have been off grains for about 2-3 years (not ketogenic because I eat fruit and certain proteins that goes against actually implementing the ketosis process) and I have a ton of energy.

I might be able to pull that in early August. I’ll possibly be in NYC and RI - just checked … RI is not that far from Boston Always wanted to meet BS. Despite some of our bickerings I think we would get along. I have only seen a few people on here. Saw Bchad at some L1 Stalla Peter Olinto class back in the day, but never met. Saw Dinesh at an L2 Stalla day class and went out with TheAliMan in NYC a few years back for some drinks. Also met one more person in NYC. I really should be studying during all this time, but hey, i’m finding great ways to procrastinate. Could be fun.

yeah the no grain diet was the most fulfilling for me. I had high amounts of energy all the time and didn’t have to avoid cheese or bacon or 8 eggs after a workout or steak at night … if you put in the time at the gym, your body just burns it all off and by some miracle you stay lean

Reddit’s keto subs are the best resources I’ve found. By best, I mean accessible, easy to understand, and ability to easily dig deeper if you want.

Start here:

If you want more science, go here:

If you want to maximize performance in the gym, go here:

If you like books, try Gary Taubes’ Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It, Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Diet, or even Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Body. There are a ton more books that may even be better, but those are the ones that I’ve read and liked.

As with all big transitions, it’s tough at first but then it becomes just a normal part of your lifestyle. Good luck!

thanks. i’ve been eating loosely primal (Mark Sisson) for a few years now so I’m not worried about a transition. i’ve been hearing a lot of good things about ketosis and am looking for a how-to, particularly in conjunction with the gainz i am about to receive. I’ll check out ketogains, thanks again.

No sweet potatoes on keto? No thanks! Need em.