Dietitians vs Nutrition Excellence

I don’t know much about keto, but that just sounds silly - why?

I don’t know much about keto, but that just sounds silly - why?

i grilled some sweet potatoes doused in olive oil on the grill on Friday - they were great … I cut em up like steak fries

Read the links. Keto is like super low carb and one serving of sweet potato already breaks the <20 net carb tolerance.

What’s silly about it?

Keto is a treatment for managing epilepsy. The original idea to treat the disease was fasting, and doctors noted high levels of ketone bodies in patients who fasted. This also happens when you follow a low carb, high fat diet (hence ketogenic ). So doctors have been using high fat, low carb, low protein diets, where a big portion of the fats are ideally MCTs to manage the disease, and it is effective. It’s far more restrictive than other low-carb diets, but with actual clinical reasoning for as to why. So no, you can’t even look at a sweet potato.

Then you have bros on the internet who think that paleo/primal/low carb is the optimal diet who abuse this.

The side effect ketoacidosis is bad breath. Don’t do it, bros!

^ it’s true.

Make it happen man

Perfect example of how people still have absolutely zero clue what is going on with the global metabolic syndrome epidemic.

You are wrong on everything, not even close to grasping the problem.

enlighten us then

^ Naw, I tried explaining it in detail to Bchad, he’s the smartest here, and he couldn’t even get it. Nutrition is a field where people have so many false beliefs, they can’t possibly see the obvious. Dispelling one false belief is hard but possible, but a dozen false beliefs is hopeless.