Difference between Factset and Value Line

I’m trying to figure out the real differences between the two (for use by buy/sell-side equity research analysts & equity analysts at hedge fund). Anyone have any insight?

They are not even close to the same… What is the confusion?

I know… I’m an idiot. I realize FS offers services aimed at IB and other more corporate finance type functions but I’m not concerned with that. I’m trying to understand what the difference is for people in equity research/portfolio management. The only thing I can see is that FS has a portfolio attribution function. I’m not trying to ask some moronic question and I went online to research it first but I still can’t figure it out.

Im at buyside shop. We use Factset and StockVal. I’ll sometimes use valueline, but not often. Factset is okay. I actually just got off the phoen with our rep because I dont find the charts to be as user friendly as I would like. Stockval is great for charting, btu the one I have next to me is only domestic equities.

I would like to hear what the differences are between Factset and AAII’s SIP. In fact, I’m so interested I’m willing to send my old SIP discs to people to try it out vs. factset. If you’re in LA I’ll buy you lunch if we can play around with factset & AAII. I know I’m pathetic.

I use factset in my models.