ditchdigger2CFA was shown the door (R.I.P)

I just got a very upsetting news to share that ditchdigger2CFA, the man himself, who kept the forum in high spirits, despite the work load, pumped questions over questions to help churn discussions over convoluted level 2 topics, was let go by Chad and is blocked from Analyst Forum effective today. Tomorrow at 12.00 (your adjusted standard times), just before you begin to eat your lunch, we all will observe a 2 minute silence for this brave soldier who went down fighting in memory of his lovely 20 question Lunch Crunch sessions. Amen! - ditchdigger2CFA, RIP @ 2,259 posts.

what happ?

I recall reading many of DitchDigger2CFA’s posts while I was awaiting approval. What a shame for such a inspirational member to get banned. Lesson learned, tread lightly on this forum. It could happen to you.

can’t he not register himself under a diff avatar and show up and do all good work he did… Not a big thing, but I know all his ditchdigger2cfa history is gone…but has gained good karma…

Why did this happen?

he was innocent…

he just got laid off of work. mercy!

Is this a joke? what did he do? We want ditchdigger2CFA back!!!

What? Could it becoz he was posting schweser q’s w/o approval from them…I guess where you cannot reproduce, publish or transmit/distribute etc, their material. Just ma guess not sure though. Isn’t this his second time?..he will back, under a different name. Sorry ditch…

he will be ditchdigger3CFA

i was afraid that this day might come. it’s funny, i think most of us have schweser anyways and are almost walking billboards for investing in their products, but i guess a rule is a rule. and rules are made to be broken. see you in another version soon ditch, maybe minus the crunches that i only could do half of anyways b/c work always got in the way. someone tell me to study now- i had soccer monday and last night had to fly to NYC and see the mets game in a luxury box. i know, my life is truly rough. i can’t get back into it tonight- i may just do a few ethics q’s and get a good night’s sleep. less hungry. uh oh.

that sucks, i hope he comes back with a sockpuppet account

Come on banni, just take a minute to remember what it felt like last year to see that big fat FAIL at the top of the screen - that always does it for me!! You don’t really want to be here again next year, do you? Just pick something that’s easy for you (ethics?) if you’re having a hard time getting the ball rolling, but at least do *something*! It gets easier once you get back into it, promise :slight_smile:

Sorry for the n00b questions. Who is Chad and what is his relationship with ditchdigger2CFA?

RIP bro. You helped the forum a ton if your reading this you will be missed.

eltia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry for the n00b questions. Who is Chad and > what is his relationship with ditchdigger2CFA? Chad is the moderator of the site. He is the one who deletes inappropriate posts, threads, and also the one who bans people from the site. Ditch, I have every confidence in you to finagle your way back onto this site. This isn’t exactly the military defense network you gotta work around. See you soon buddy.

Thanks for enlightening me. So my next question is, why is ditchdigger2CFA got banned if he has been making positive contribution to the forum?

solid aimee- ethics it is for a qbank party now then. the fail did hurt.

DONT ASK SUCH QUESTIONS! or you will find yourself banned. check out Sponge bob CFAs response. this is what i expect from ditch a few posts down (how hilarious is the screen name Shrute Farms?) http://www.analystforum.com/phorums/read.php?13,945956

I read the message board rules. And I believe if there is a ground for banning ditchdigger2CFA, it would probably be because of posting copyrighted materials. OK anyhow. We have about one month left to go. Let’s concentrate because I hate to see any of you again in L2 forum again next year. XD