Do strip clubs make you sad?

This sickens me

Why? They’re doing it of their own free will. It’s not like they’re being sold into slavery or something.

Unfortunately, when you think carefully about it, we don’t really know this. Some actually have been tricked into debt-slavery or trafficked.


You’re right–we don’t know. But I’m assuming that a 19 y.o. working at a club is probably not being forced to do it, like she was bought by a sex trafficker at the age of six and from some villager in Kazakhstan or something. While I’m sure this happens somewhere in the US, I’m also sure it’s by far the exception rather than the rule.

A fair number of teen prostitutes are runaways who have been picked up by pimps at bus and train stations and are basically pushed into this line of work after they have built up debts or gotten addicted (whether voluntarily or through trickery). They then belong to a pimp and collect only a small portion of their John’s fees. The challenge is that the pimp tends to manage her cost of living so that the fees are never enough to pay off her debts. She is technically not a slave, but she is not free in any meaningful sense of the word.

While it’s not true that every teen stripper or prostitute is doing it under duress, it’s probably a lot more common than you’d think. It’s important to the pimp that she maintain the illusion of free will.

I am sure some are forced to do it (or at least forced to continue to do it) but most are very willing, and esp in the 1st world. Obviously can’t stay the same for developing countries.

And for those who are forced to be prostitutes, i think that’s a seperate issue, i mean, they can be forced to be a slave to do other things like selling drugs, etc. i feel sad toward their situation in general.

In any case, those are prostitutes, and not strippers, i think 99% of strippers in a strip club do it voluntarily (IMHO)

do strippers have to do taxeS???

i hate agreeing with BGChad, but i think it is probably more common than most think, particularly in states like AZ, TX, FL, MI. I saw somewhere a while ago that there is basically a sex trafficking circuit in a handful of cities where the girls are shipped from city to city to work as prosititutes or strippers.

stupid sex traffickers always ruining the fun. for this reason i can’t bring myself to go to a strip club.

This. I also agree with BGAChad, there is a lot more human trafficking in the world than people expect, even in the US.

Also, BGAChad, lol at that

Hmm…Seems like more people are saddened than the first page of replies may have suggested!

When I lived in Berkeley, I heard that one of the biggest landlords in the city was caught for importing girls from India for prostitution. Turns out I actually visited one of the guy’s properties when I was looking for apartments.

There is a line for “other income” on tax forms. So yes, income from illegal activities must be reported. That’s what they got Al Capone for: tax evasion.

Presumably, 5th ammendment rights prohibit prosecutors from using the “other income” line to impugn illegal activity in a court proceeding, but if they can prove that you had income and it wasn’t declared somewhere, they can get you on that.

All that said, a good deal of prostitution and stripper income (e.g. tips, side activity) probably does go unreported.

^ They do get a 1099 from the strip club, so yes, they are obligated to pay taxes on the income that the strip club reports to the IRS. As far as tips and side jobs, so long as they don’t deposit the money in a bank, there is practically no chance of being uncovered.

Al Capone was caught for being too flashy. He wore top end suits, owned assets of great value, yet reported practically nothing on his tax return. This is a red flag to the IRS. It also doesn’t help it was thrown in the haystack case put together by Elliot Ness.

Pretty sure it was racial profiling that got him.

Youse saying italians cant wear high end stuff? What are we, too greasy for assets of value?

I hope so. The best ones make 6 figures.

I heard about that. I was living in the Berkeley area at the same time, coincidentally.

Correction: I erroneously said that Mr. Reddy was involved in a prostitution operation, when in fact, he was keeping girls as sex slaves…