Do we really have to be at the exam a full hour in advance?

Is this actually enforced? I don’t remember this from when I took L2 in 06.

I would arrive half an hour before at the VERY latest. They close the doors at some point before the exam and I don’t know how you could determine your test center’s policy beforehand. At my test center last year, there were a number of candidates who showed up roughly 15 minutes before the start of the exam. Since the doors were already shut they were made to stand at the front while the rest of us bubbled in our names and information etc. Then once the test started they were allowed to sit down. Seeing that happen rattled me a bit. I’ll be there at 8:00 am sharp this year. No taking chances on the morning session.

I was 1 minute from having the doors closed on me last year. The string of events that went down before I got to the test center made me think God didn’t want me to pass (or even take) level II.

The #1 rule of the CFA exams - don’t screw with them. They offer the exam once per year and you’re a complete fool if you think it’s worth risking one year of your life for the sake of thirty minutes. Also, make sure you have proper ID (no expired driver’s license, which got someone refused at the door a couple years ago), don’t put your pencils within 30 feet of your exam ticket, stop writing the instant they call time, and don’t stare at anyone else during the test.

frisian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > and don’t > stare at anyone else during the test. Unless she’s a CFA babe.

Dwight Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Unless she’s a CFA babe. Pretty sure this is in the same category as the Sasquatch.

True, therefore if spotted, in addition to staring post pics or she doesn’t exist.

I had a smoking hot proctor one year - probably a grad assistant at the university where it was being held. She kept on catching me looking at her - and it distracted me from the exam. So wrong on many levels.

My license expires on June 9 : ) Passport is perfectly fine by itself right? As an abundance of caution I will bring both my drivers license and passport.

Someone posted about expiring licenses last year, so I decided to flip open my wallet and check mine just in case. It would have expired a few weeks before the exam. I never would have looked.

PhillyBanker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My license expires on June 9 : ) Passport is > perfectly fine by itself right? As an abundance of > caution I will bring both my drivers license and > passport. Thought I read that the passport is the preferred form of ID.

they just said a government-issued ID…

Somewhere it says passports are preferred, you are correct. I’ve used my (unexpired) driver’s license every year. No desire to worry about keeping up with my passport in addition to the million other things that will be going on.