Do you think these Harvard memes justify rescinding an admission?

No, Harvard is in the wrong given this was a private chat and not sanctioned by the school. If it were sanctioned by the school then I’d understand. Even so, I’ve seen a few offensive things come out of school clubs from the elite schools and they don’t seem to get booted.

Free speech encompasses even the most distasteful things; meaning you have the right to be offended. Your recourse is to separate yourself from that group, which seems to be what most people did.

Snitches get stitches…

The first amendment only protects you from the government, not private entities.

Its amazing how often people forget that. FREEDOM OF SPEECH SHOULD FORCE THIS PRIVATE INSTITUTION TO ACCEPT ME. This got brought to their attention, its a bad look, they didnt want that kind of liability bringing those kids on board. There are millions of other smart kids that deserve to be in that school just as much that didnt do this, I have a hard time feeling bad for a bunch of likely rich kids that will probably be fine and go elsewhere and get a better education than most.

Blimey that was tame compared to what we used to get up to at the bullingdon club

who reports things like that though, little b i tches

This definition of “private” is being used to expand corporate fascism.

Junk like Twitter and Facebook are “private” businesses and so can collude with other “private” corps and carry out fascism against the masses. WRONG, these are public corporations, we originally created the concept to serve STAKEHOLDERS, not spread fearful political correctness post modernist bullcrap.

Of course. Harvard can do whatever they want. But, we’re debating whether Harvard SHOULD have rescinded their offers based on this info.

harvard’s loss for being pious

yayywork crushing it on this one

So Harvard SHOULD be the elite educational institution that turns a blind eye to antisemitism, Islamophobia, and celebrating the suicide of young immigrants? It SHOULD teach young people that it doesn’t matter what you say or post as long as you have good grades?

^people say a lot of things in jest and dont mean it especially when you’re a kid.

And sometimes there is a price to pay for that. This is one of those times.

There was a price to pay for the Jews coming out from under the floorboards. Too much fascist apologetics in America.

I don’t enjoy starting my Monday morning with reports of a comment that may warrant a banning. You went too far PA. I’d suggest you edit your comment, apologize for being a dick, and slow your troll roll for a while.

That being said, it’s no longer up to me if you get banned or not. Those are just some suggestions that may prolong your AF life.

You should really take a page from Dalton’s “how to cool a bar” playbook. Rule #1: Be nice.

I stand by my comment.

My ancestors on both sides of my family had the instinct to fee from Nazi Germany before it got bad. Maybe I’ve got those genes, because I sensed there was something is VERY wrong in America, and I got out.

What is happening in America is NOT okay, I am against fascists, and cowards. If you want to sleep thru it, and “play nice”, good luck with that. There is a price to pay for every choice.

Jesus dude. I’m not talking about major life decisions here. I’m just saying you should cool it with the racism a bit. It’s a tough to know where the line it. Wendy saying black people can’t swim is funny. You mentioning jews hiding in the floorboards isn’t. In case you haven’t picked up on it yet, I’m the reason you aren’t banned this morning. You obviously went off the rails over the last 24 hours. I suggest you refill your meds and zen out for a bit.

PA - against facism, pro chinese authoritarian govt killing dissidents

^ sums it up in a nutshell.

A lot of people on this board give the yanks a hard time (probably just to be contrarian and because americans are bad at taking a joke at their expense which can be quite funny) but we’ll see what everyone thinks when the chinese control the world economy

And I’d like to be clear on this - I have no problem with people giving America a hard time or people criticising “western” culture/policies/whatever, but it should be either well thought out or humorous. Just being an ass h ole isn’t going to fly. Same goes for Americans giving anyone else s h it. You can be a dick. Just be funny or make an actual point.

This doesn’t have to be the case with every single post. But if all you do is negatively troll the board, you’re likely to get banned.

Lock this Chinese apologist up!