Do you think this enough to pass?

Planning on getting through all EOCs again by the end of this week and have been writing out my own equation lists for each chapter as I have been doing this.

After this I plan on doing 4 mock exams (3 Schweser and the CFA mock) before the exam on Saturday, and going through all wrong answers and questions I wasn’t sure about after.

Do you think this will be enough practice to get a passing mark or am I cutting it close?

Starting to panic a bit and feel that I am going to run out of time!!!

You are a L2 retaker.

I think you should advice 1st timers like us.

That sounds a lot like my plan. Hit the EOCs one more time, do 4-5 mocks, quick review of the heavyweights, stare at ethics reading, take actual exam, drink heavily

I’m nothing of the sort. This is my first time too!
