Does it bother anyone else...

That the EOC are not multiple choice? All of quants and fixed income are short answer questions and long calculations. When I review what I’ve read for, it takes me a longer time than it would if it was multiple choice. Is anyone else bothered by this??

June Level II candidate* if you can do the non multiple choice problems and get the right answers that is a good sign… you should not be bothered by this, it is also great practice for level II true Level II questions are also multiple choice, but it is a different game because you are no longer looking at two lines before you have to select an answer, you are looking at two pages and any tiny info in there could be the key to your answer…so enjoy em!

Yeah, it is troublesome but mainly in FRA examples where you have 4 pages of Income Stmnt, Balance sheet, CF stmnt, notes etc and then some question from anywhere in the 4 pages… I think in quant it doesnt matter much since at the end of the day, you have to do the same calculation. But I did detest the fixed income ‘why’ kind of questions (though they are great since they help you revise the entire chapter) ofcourse they take much much longer… but as gulfcfa said, we have got to take it in our stride… it is introduction to the next exam…

I am using scheweser do to notes, reviewing with EOC. Do you recommend schweser and schweser questions for FRA anish?

No idea about Schweser. I am using Elan as an additional questions source (Theory I am doing mainly from CFAI only). Elan’s practice questions are ok, not of the same level as CFAI questions (don’t know about FRA since I haven’t done FRA questions from Elan yet) But I think I will focus most on CFAI questions for all sections.

Yes. It’s level one-- prepare me with practice problems for the test that I am going to take. I do understand and appreciate that they encourage a deeper understanding of the material, but still…

very much bothered by it! takes me forever to go through them…

I thought they offered invaluable practice.