Does your employer pay the CFA fees?

Just wondering if anyone has the CFAI enrollment fees and/or extra prep material covered by their employer? Do you get time off to study or use your vacation days? If so, did your employer proposed you to pursue the charter or was it your own initiative ? I enrolled on a personal level and even found some resistance when I first talked about it to my boss. Took my own days off to study and didn’t plan to get anything from them. They eventually offered to pay for the Exam and prep material IF I pass the exam, which is nice, and I did. But now it seems they’re getting more and more interested that I continue with the studying and again, that’s all great, but if I come to work early to study 2h a day before work, use most of my personal time during several weekends AND take vacation days off, shouldn’t I get a bit more from this than having them pay (the stuff is not that expensive, the dedication and hard work is). I’m thinking about asking extra time off down the line.

Yes they pay for registration and study materials. I take the week before off.

Mine pays for everything IF I pass. I negotiated this before hire because it has very little to do with my job (Job experience wont count).

Paid both the registration and the prep material. But they will only reimburse it when I passed the exam. More motivation to study I guess?

But no extra time off?.. ok, if it’s not part of your job cool, but if it is? if they want you to consider it part of your job?

nope nothing - gave me one day off to study

All my employer did was write the rec letter for the scholarshi. I’m an intern. So it’s okay.


It doesn’t tie into my current job, so I don’t get anything (I pay and use my vacation). For some other areas of my company that require or highly recommend it, the company will pay all the first time, but if you fail then I think they only reimburse you for passing the next time around. I’ve been in Ops for a long time and wanted to go for it to open up some other doors down the road. I passed L1 in June, and if things open up within the company that will allow me to get job experience I’ll probably go for them. I don’t really plan on looking outside until I pass all 3 levels because I don’t want to be one of the first to get cut in bad times!

They pay and i use the vaca

They pay for all of the fees, contingent upon passing. I received 3 days of paid vaca before the exam.

My company pays for everything, and I use vacation for any days off to study. I assume they would still pay if I failed…but luckily this hasn’t come up.

My boss signed me up to the preparation program by my employer, which is obligatory to pass (50%) in order to get the fees, enrollment and official CFA books reimbursed. No need to pass the real test for that, just be present at the exam. They give us 3,5 days off for mocks. And I wouldn’t use my vacation for preparation, although I have a lot. I studied on weekends, sometimes in the evenings, and did Qbank at work. All the additional materials (Schweser premium) I bought myself. I don’t think it’s reasonable to get paid for all the extra time (say, weekends) you input in preparation. However it’s a good idea to come to work 2 hours earlier in order to study.

In my company, you have to apply for sponsorship first. They’ll pay for the CFAI fees plus any review materials/sessions you require. You even get additional 5 days of study leave. The catch is, if you fail, you either pay back everything or you take it again at your own expense. If you fail for the second time, you really have to pay them back.

I work for an investment management company and they strongly push everyone to pursue a CFA charter. My company reimburses only the exam fees if you pass. They do not pay for the non-CFAI study guides or any courses (wish they did). They give us 2 days off to study. Taking off any additional days requires use of vacation.

They pay for the exam and study guides and give 2 days off. It is a large investment mngt firm.

KarenC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > nope nothing - gave me one day off to study Yeah but you get 30days of vacation per year so I think you’re in pretty good shape there lady. :wink:

They pay CFAI fees for a pass, but don’t pay for prep materials either way (I submitted anyway though so we’ll see if they notice). Had to use my vac. to study, but I’ve been here so long I get more than I can actually use anyway and it’s “use it, or lose it”.

My employer doesn’t even know I am doing it. I have paid my own dues and study materials. However, for me they are tax deductible. I passed levels 1 and 2 over the past year. That said my employer has put me through many courses and pays all my professional dues.

paid everything, paid for passing, paid for celebration dinner afterwards for each exam passed. Paid for the frame, for level 3 got a limo to pick me up (I didn’t kmow) right after the exam and took me and the team out boozing and strip clubs. got me a nice hotel room with 2 call girls and half dozen condoms. still got a STD and have sued my former employer, settled for $2MM. The CFA was worth it.