Dog says fail level II now or pet me

Seriously… he woofed tonight I get one shot tomorrow. He’s not going through two more years of this. If I do fail I am allowed to sit for Level II again, however. Or pet him. Just pet him. Frankly, I love pressure so this doesn’t bother me too much right now. Of course, it will bother me if I don’t fail so this one’s for you little fuzzy man.

well played


sorry, i’m wired, i know i failed, and i think i’m loopy enough right now on adrenaline to be at peace with it. i am sure you aced it. this whole lying idea is a solid one though if not. i mean, aside from in a year you kind of violating ethics by putting CFA on your biz card or something in a year when you fake-pass L3, i bet nobody would ever know. i’m tempted now to try this route. as ari gold says- deny deny deny til you die.

last time before i try to sleep. you are not sure you failed. you know it. i know it. your dog knows it.

let’s bet a weekend at pebble beach on it. i pass, i pay. i fail, you pay. : ) EDIT: if mrs cfasf1 reads this, this is total friendship. he’s my score buddy although he one-upped me nicely on this one and i couldn’t be happier for him. a FRIENDly game of golf and that’s it. well, and drinks. a lot of drinks.

Having thought this through more than I care to admit, it actual is quite an elegant solution. All I have to do is pass Level II next year, but tell my wife I failed Level III (don’t forget that I told her I already passed Level II and was taking Level III). This works because my theory is that she wouldn’t cut me off with only one more test (and the easiest one at that) to go. So then I register and take Level III just like normal. Elegant no? But I wouldn’t risk it. She was nice enough to remember to ask about it tonight so I’ll cut her slack.

perfect. problem solved.

plyon What an idea! but i already told my wife i probably failed. :frowning:

bannisja Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > let’s bet a weekend at pebble beach on it. i > pass, i pay. i fail, you pay. > : ) > > EDIT: if mrs cfasf1 reads this, this is total > friendship. he’s my score buddy although he > one-upped me nicely on this one and i couldn’t be > happier for him. a FRIENDly game of golf and > that’s it. well, and drinks. a lot of drinks. this is a tempting bet. i’d say a fairly even one. (since i’m giving myself 50/50 chances and our scores are always close) but i doubt mrs.cfasf1 would let me bet a weekend at pebble, man or woman. what? i’m married, trained and that’s how it goes down around here. actually, it may have worked out if you were a man or weighed 300 lbs. but you’re not either of those. bottom line is. you have a chance. don’t sell yourself short until it’s over and done. now good luck.

thanks. eek, if ever i even weigh half of 300 lbs, make me quit this program and get to a gym and FAST!

hahaha…bannisja…this thread cracked me up…well said!

Really needed someone to talk but the dog is giving me the silent treatment…he just sits there staring at me…you could cut the tension with a knife

i say start with the tail. if not it will continue wagging and drive you crazy

fed him breakfast and we have reached an uneasy peace…I feel like there is so much unsaid

Who was the guy who saig that dogs are men’s best friend?

That is just their public persona…they really just wait for any sign of weakness and then they pounce

didn’t you just described a cat skin?? I have just changed my will. If i die today i want " Failed CFA level 2" on my graveyard

With cats the friction is obvious…dogs are far craftier…ergo the BS about mans best friend

i plan to be next year’s MUMU. that seriously is the goal. my $$'s on all over 70’s for her.