Don't Drive While using your phone

All right - which of you clown’s familiesshould I send the flowers to?

Dude drives down the road while jerking off to porn on his phone. Crashes and dies, and gets partially ejected through the sunroof.

That image makes the stress of my day just melt away. I wonder if he finished before he was finished.

The world is not only stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we CAN imagine.

What impresses me the most is that the guy was completely without pants. I admire a man who is committed to a cause. I wonder if he does this all the time. Because you have to consider the probability of this incident as P(masturbating)*P(accident|masturbating). Also, when he was “partially ejected”, I really hope that refers to the top half.

LOL. You could say that he sufferred from premature _eject_ulation.

Technically he would have been saved if he wore a seat belt.

RIP CvM. This is how he would’ve wanted to go out…

I thought everyone has done this at least once? The pants and the age might be a little strange. And how do they know he was actually playing with it? Evidence?


I’ve got this unfortunate image of the guy flying through the air while trying to finish…

It’s only January, but we have an early front runner for the 2016 Darwin Awards.