Does anyone know if it’s possible to get the CFA ebooks on Kindle or are you only able to view them on a PC/iPad?
Also, has anyone used the ebooks exclusively and not bothered purchasing the hard copy from CFA Institute but supplementing with Schweser or other third party study materials?
You can print out the CFA books from Vital Source software on PC/Mac as PDF and then transfer to Kindle - doing so means that your PDF is made out of images so you will not be able to use zoom in and out feature in Kindle, and you cannot reflow the text either.
I have the Kindle DX with the 10" screen and I have to crop the PDF borders in order to view the pages with the words and images at a reasonable size without panning left and right.
If you have the kindle with the 6" or 7" I think it will be very difficult to read the PDF without being able to zoom in and without being able to reflow text.
I used CFA ebooks and Schwser for CFA Level 1.
Using CFA ebooks for Level 2 currently, as Schwser notes for 2013 not out yet.
No hardcopy books for me as I am trying to go paperless and its convenient to not have to carry around the thick and heavy books. In fact, I bought my Kindle DX second hand from eBay to read the CFA materials and my technical analysis books. Its been quite a good study tool - I have the Ipad but it doesnt work as a study tool for me since it offers so many other distractions haha.