Econ Help

Finance Major Here - havent taken econ since freshman year which was 6 years ago. any good econ website to supplement the text?

Peter Olinto: “you can waste time learning everything you want to learn about everything you ever wanted to learn…after the CFA exam.”

for once, farley has a point. I put his posts back on b/c i missed his sick humor. anyways, yeah, he is right here. focus on what is in the text. if you need a refresher on econ, toy around with your undergrad text or have investopedia open in a seperate window when you are studying. alsdo, schswer sells a “CFA basics” tests I heard was not bad…try not to add to your work. level I is hard enough on its own and if you try to suplement it all, you will kill yourself when you open the fixed income and derivatives section.

fixed income and derivatives is fine for me.