Economic turmoil hits kkent

So I’m walking in Stamford with my wife yesterday having some discussion about economic turmoil. She gave some opinion about how an Obama administration would deal with some problem or another. I said “The Democrats are going to solve this problem ?!” and this homeless guy started laughing uncontrollably, like rolling on the ground. Maybe we should take up a collection for our buddy kkent? He’s looking pretty raggedy.

That was me.

What problem are you talking about? I’ve been away for a while…

I think we’re having a little problem with our mortgage lending system in the US.

Did you point to the homeless guy while saying “this problem”? A friend of mine when asked for money by a homeless person would insist they dance or sing a song for the dollar. They’d do it, too.

No - I didn’t even notice him (bourgeois blindness) until he started laughing uproariously. Your friend is a pig.

“Did you point to the homeless guy while saying “this problem”? A friend of mine when asked for money by a homeless person would insist they dance or sing a song for the dollar. They’d do it, too.” Is your friend Adam Sandler?

Does Adam Sandler do that?

I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but he explained to me and the dancing homeless people that if he’s going to give them a dollar or two, he should get something in return. In this case, he’s getting entertainment.

Too bad there is no satisfaction of having helped someone in need. I must admit, that I don’t give money all that often to people… there are just so many that I can’t afford to do it. But I have struggled at times in my life and wondered if I might just end up on the street just like them. People that are singing and dancing are more likely to get something from me, but I couldn’t imagine making someone feel like a trained dog to jump for a buck. To be honest, I often think that the most needy people are the ones slumped over a coffee tin, have ragged clothes, and smell of urine. Unlike the developing world poor… most of these people probably once had a decent chance of having a life where they could at least wash themselves and wear clean clothes… they all have a story about how they got there. And while some of them clearly made bad choices - drugs or something - I suspect bad luck had a lot to do with it too.

there is some truth in this… I appreciate it when bums at least show a bit of effort and tries to sell you something (albeit at an inflated price) than just ask for money. While I wait for the train, there is typically a line of 5 or 6 of them who go person by person asking for money… they see the guy ahead of them get denied, but they ask anyway, maybe they think they are more special or something. These people would be in the same situation no matter what the market. Goota love the guys who are honest though… the ones w/ the “need $ for beer” signs