Elan Guides Essential Prep, Group discount

I need a couple of people interested in the group discount for Elan Guides Essential Prep package. Let me know if you are interested. I would like to get the order in by this week.

If anybody is interested, with 2 more people, we could get a 25% discount…

Don’t want to pay upfront for a lousy product delivered in March (of 2013!)

I loved their 11th hour guide for L1. Best product I used for L1.

yodacaia, would you be interested, then? Anybody else?

Hardly. You can check the availabilty schedule on their website. Electronic version is already available. Print in December. As for the lousy product. For level I the material was indeed so lousy I aced the exam. I’m looking forward to level 2 material being as lousy as level 1.

Hahaha. I too aced my level 1 because of their lousy products. Had it not been for them, i would have succumbed because of the magnificient glory of Schweser.

@jgorriz: I wish i could help you out, but i have already availed the group discount.

@an-alyst: thanks anyway. If noboby shows any interest soon, I’ll have to bite the bullet and fork out the full price. Ouch! Still, if the quality is there as it was for level 1, at least I know it’s worth it.

I would be. I think i may be interested in the ultimate prep pack.

Ignore my post above. I thought you were interested in the level I product.