Elan mocks are insanely difficult

Especially the 3rd one. I’m screwed if the exam resembles their mocks. 60% is the story of my life right now. Anyone else sucking?

Can these mocks be bought separately ?



Thanks, I wonder which mocks are more reprensentative of the CFA exams, Schweser or Elan. Anyone ?

Good to know. Thank you for this information.

I own both the Schweser and the Elan mocks. Apparently the Elan ones are closer to the real thing and are more conceptual than the Schweser ones. This is probably why they seem more difficult.

As for the “sucking” you refer to…don’t worry. You have just under 3 weeks now. You still have enough time to prepare. If i were you I would focus on the topics you performed poorly in then take another mock when you feel more comfortable with those areas. Then just repeat this process over and over again. This is what I was recommended to do by some of my friends who passed.

But elan questions are easier than scswer q bank

Just two days ago you were asking around whether elan is tougher than qbank or not? Now you are claiming that they are easier than schweser. HAVE YOU EVEN TRIED THEM??

Me even worse. Got 70 using schweser, got 45 (!!!) with elan mock

i feel so depressed now. Oh also elan mock gave me major headache that i couldnt do anything after taking thr mock

if the exam is like elan, i am sooooo doomed

i have done FRA q in elan

I think Schweser leans to the simpler side because they have more formula-based / plug and chug questions. Élan asks questions like “what happens to these 3 obscure ratios when this random variable changes?”

Yup!! As I was saying on some other thread recently, I’d have a sick headache after I was done with Elan mocks. But in fairness, they say that their mocks are more difficult.

Mock Exam 3 was a shaft!!

Their Ethics questions were on the easier side though I thought.

why is it so hard to find ELAN material while it is so easy to find schweser material? What’s up with that? I cannot even find it on EBAY. Can anyone point me to a used Elan Mock exam?

60% may not be that great for a mock, but that’s what I scored when I just started. You still have a ton of time to improve, just keep at it.

This is the biggest challenge for me… How much to read into mock scores.

I scored 71 on the bsas live mock put on by my society chapter and quickly worked through elan #2 and also got about 71 but with a way different distrobution of my marks by second.

These would be ok result at this point in the game if I had some idea of how they would hold up against the test, however I imagine that a 75%-80% would relate more to a pass…

@birdec I think that the ethics questions on Elan are poorly written and would suggest that the CFAI blue book questions are far easier, so if ethics is weighing your score down, I would adjust for that.

You also need to consider that any mock exam has a considerable amount of sampling error. The curriculum is so broad that it is pretty easy to find 240 questions that are either in, or out of your wheel house.

Finally the english and attention to detail is kind of poor on the elan materials, so that likely also accounts for a few wrong awnsers.

Don’t read into your results so much in terms of what subjects you are strong/weak in. Just take a lot of mocks and learn from what you got wrong. I think you make an excellent point about sampling error and how the curriculum is so broad that your performance cannot help you identify your weak areas.

FYI: If you think any answers are wrong you should get in touch with them. I remember thinking they were wrong on a couple of questions but they emailed me back and i realized what i was doing wrong. One of them was where I was confused between net operating cycle and operating cyle. Anyway my point is that the most important part down the strectch is learning from making mistakes so you should make sure its not a mistake on your part.

elan portflio manageent questions are really tuff