Encouragment for Schweser online test takers

Ok to give everyone on Aforum a bit more confidence. Assume that anyone on the forum has an advantage over the general candidate pool. Assume that anyone who has done at least one Schweser test has an advantage over the candidate pool. The current averages that are being posted on Schweser are between 60-63…so figure if you are scoring 55 right now you are still likely on average…and have plenty of time to go.

I hope you are right. :slight_smile:

I don’t feel confident as I haven’t gotten a score over 70% on practice exams these past few weeks. It’s like if I’m ever going to pass the real thing, it will be by a hair.

can anybody send me the soft copy of 08 book 6 ?

hey monki, i have em for sale… email me at ahmadmaghfur@gmail.com for details

monki email me l2candidate77@gmail.com I can help you with this for FREE