need some advice - little less than 2 months to go until exam day for L1 - I have just completed covering the Kaplan study material and have covered at least half of the CFA dashboard q’s. To get the most bang for my buck(time) over the last couple of months what is your opinion on the CFAI End of chapter q’s to drill down concepts and practice content? I doubt that I will enough time to to cover reading all the material again…
Complete all EOC questions and understand the solutions. Keep track of your score on each EOC questions. You should be scoring above 70% on all of them.
Complete all questions on the CFA dashboard. These questions are a bit harder, but again try to aim for 70% on all of them. Important thing is to understand them.
Complete all the mocks you can get your hands on. You have access to at least 9 mocks (6 Kaplan and 3 CFAI). When I studied for level 1 I completed all CFAI mocks reviewing all questions thoroughly and completed 4 of the Kaplan mocks and used the last 2 as practice questions for the last 2 weeks. In the last 2 weeks, I was hitting more than 85% on all CFAI mocks and passed the exam quite easily. I owe this to all the practice I had on the EOCs and mocks.
Use CFA dashboard questions and Kaplan’s auxilliairy mocks. Master thesimple formulas and use logic when text questions are concerned. Read end of chapter summaries these are shorter and more condensed