Enough Time?

More of a rant here… I’m basically just start reading Fixed Income and still have derivatives and PM left to read. Been making notes for the past 2-3 months and haven’t done any practice problems. Idea is to finish all my readings this week, start reviewing and doing practice problems next week and then starting taking practice exams in the final week of the exam. Sounds doable? Also taking the final week off to help with the time constraint. Thought working on the buyside as an research analyst would help supplement my readings, but in reality, it has no applications what so ever. All theses concepts, models, and theories are really just academic and have no real life application…very disappointing Anyways, good luck to everyone else

it’s going to be hard but you have nothing to lose …

I agree with the academic point. In the real world, the answer to “How do yoy value a 2x5 FRA 30 days in” would be: a) Look it up on Bloomberg

or “call the trading desk”

lol…thats true…love to annoy the trading desks