EOC R09.02

Can someone explain to me the notation meaning.

  1. f(2) = −0.01 f(2.5) = −0.50 f(3) = −0.51
  2. g(0) = 0.25 g(1) = 0.50 g(2) = 0.125 g(3) = 0.125
  3. h(10) = 0.35 h(11) = 0.15 h(12) = 0.52

Don’t understand what the questions is trying to ask.

in the absence of the full details, and what the chapter is - do not know.

but given mathematical notation -

f(2) = -0.01 means - you have a function f(x) and at x = 2 - the function evaluates to -0.01.

EOC R09.02 = reading 09 end of chapter question 02.

I’m sure the CPK understands your notation.

What he doesn’t know is that reading 9 is Common Probability Distributions; he doesn’t have a copy of the Level I curriculum.

The question is asking whether the functions f, g, and h could be probability functions. Probability functions have to have certain properties (detailed in the reading). Do f, g, and h have those properties?

based on S2000’s explanation - and going on a limb 7 years later …

pretty sure the answer is f is not, neither is h.

f -> all probs are negative -> so it is not a PDF.

g is - all probs are positive, sum is cumulative 1.

h is not - sum is > 1.