Equation Quiz?

Anyone know of a good equation quiz for all of the Level 2 formulas or has anyone made one with the solutions?

Made 150+ flashcards for all the formulas - yes thats right 150+ flash cards. Ha ha ha. Its insane to say that.

I seem to be retaining those pretty well.

Yeah I counted mine after I finished them. 188. I thought about re-writing them to help with retention but I have so many little notes I decided it might be a poor use of time. So I just go through them once or twice a day.

Try one of those ios Apps (search for CFA in Appstore). Mostly each offers limited number of questions for free (based on InApp Purchase). I used them on L1.

I think you should start eliminating the trivial ones and end up with 15-20 critical formulae by exam day. I also started with hundreds, but now I keep only 10-15 primary ones. Believe it or not these include EVA, MVA, EV, RI, LIFO-FIFO, the Justifieds, FCFF, FCFE and other simple ones, which I can’t afford to forget. The heavyweight multistorey formulae I remember by logic…

Do we have to know more obscure formulas such as:

Adjusted R^2

Information coefficient combining two sources

Formula for breadth (BR)

Several more that I can’t recall off the top of my head


I don’t think the adjusted R2 formula is tested, but they test the concept.