I’m having a really hard time understanding the differences between intrinsic value market value fair value fair market value and investment value Has anybody figured a way to tell these apart?
read the new PE chapter in Equity… all of those are definitional items there
q to CPK no cheating, no looking 1. which value is associated with tax reporting? 2. which value is associated with “the price that would be received for an asset to transfer a liability in a current transaction between marketplace participants in the reference market for the asset or liability?”
I am going to review these terms today… I have not cheated here. 1. investment value 2. fair market value
- no 2. no – 1 = fair market value = think tax, tax, tax 2 = fair value = think…I have no idea how to memorize this quickly
doesn’t matter CPK, you got this exam by the balls. Go in tomorrow and kick some serious a##