Equity Research Union

If automobile and airline workers can have union representation, then I too want to have union representation. Unions and their bosses are the scum of the earth, and I don’t think its right that they get favorable concessions through collective labor agreements.

  1. “If automobile and airline workers can have union representation, then I too want to have union representation.” You aboslultely should be able to unionize. 2) “Unions and their bosses are the scum of the earth, and I don’t think its right that they get favorable concessions through collective labor agreements.” I am sorry that you hate democracy.

I don’t think unions can thrive in a competitive and individual bonus-heavy environment such as finance.

Years okay, I had a brief career as a ski patrolman. Some idiot wanted us to join the Teamsters. I was making like $25/day and discounts at the cafeteria and hitting on women in my ski patrol stuff and this guy wants me to join the Teamsters. We buried him right next to Hoffa.

Pimp and others, can a union really function as intended, if the union members are comprised of people who eventually want to reach the senior management level? Unions only work when there is a complete division between labor and mgmt, where laborers have nil chance of moving up into mgmt, right? I know of countries outside US where professional track workers form unions (Japanese companies), but I think unions there are largely ineffective (how can they really fight with top mgmt and incur their wrath, hurting their careers???).