España??? Alguien???

(apologies, you english speakers) :slight_smile: Si hay alguien: acabo de pasarme por la casa de campo, y supuestamente no es el mismo sitio del año pasado! los de prosegur (…) insisten en que el pabellón satélite está justo al lado del edificio de Telefónica Arena donde se juega el master de tenis, pero ahora mismo (esperemos que el sábado no) no se puede acceder, está todo cerrado… (apparently they have changed the place from last year. it is inside the same “campus” but a different building. everything is closed today, and you only have security people who tell you “yes, it is there, near the place where the master series of tennis is played in madrid…”… people are going to freak out when they get there on saturday morning and see the place has been moved…) great… seems I am the only one from spain here, I am talking to myself… :slight_smile:

Me Casa, Su Casa… I have no idea if that is even close. I took french :frowning: BOOO dont know why.