Essay strategy -- throw it against the wall and see what sticks?

Anyone know the answer to this one – if a question asks for two reasons to justify one of your answers, and you give five reasons, would the grader: a) give you full credit if any two of the five reasons you write are correct b) give you full credit only if the first two reasons you write are correct, ignoring the last three even if they were right, or c) mark your answer wrong since even though two of your five reasons were correct, three of them were incorrect therefore making your entire answer incorrect I’ve been grading myself based on a combination of a) and c), so if I had put down 5 reasons for a 2 reason question and two out of my five reasons were correct, I would give myself 0.8 points out of 2 possible (40% correct since 2/5). I know a grader wouldn’t grade like that but it’s the best way for me to figure out statistically how well I’m answering each question. Anyone know the right way to grade for sure?

They select the first 2 reasons and draw a line and ignore the bottom 3.

Thanks for the clarification. Another random question: for questions where you have to select a specific answer (ex. behavioral finance where you have to name a bias) and then either describe it or justify it, Schweser’s guideline grading policy is to mark the entire answer wrong even if you get the name of the bias wrong but describe it correctly. I’m wondering if that’s CFAI’s policy too or would they give you partial credit for describing it right. So for example if naming a bias was worth 1 point and describing it correctly was worth 2 points, would you be able to still get 2 points for describing it correctly even though you got the name wrong? Or would you get a big fat 0 like Schweser says?