ethics again

Lucy Ackert and Chris Brown prepared the following information to be included in the promotional materials of their employer, Lofton Securities. Lucy Ackert is one of five CFAs at Lofton Securities. She satisfied all requirements for the CFA designation in 1998. Chris Brown holds a CFA Level I designation, which he passed in 2001. He is registered to take the next scheduled Level II examination. Are the promotional materials prepared by Ackert and Brown fully consistent with the Standards of Professional Conduct? A) Ackert: No. Brown: No. B) Ackert: Yes. Brown: No. C) Ackert: No. Brown: Yes.

A? I thoroughly dislike this part of the standards. 1: sentance uses “CFA” as a noun (I think). 2: Unless you’re chartered, you can only call yourself a candidate; there is no such thing as a CFA Level I designation; blablabla


A, there is no partial CFA designation after passing level 1 so brown clearly violated the standards, and CFA chartholder would have been proper instead of “CFAs” in the case of Lucy.

A - Referred to CFA as a noun - There is not partial CFA designation
