in Schweser Exam1 morning vol 1 Question 6…(the trader trading tax benifits for her mother while other clients possessing the security as well)The schweser indicates A as best option (she has not violated any law) but B option does indicate a violation of III B fair dealing which i thought should be applied. Schweser has only explained wrt II B (Option C) that it is not a market manipulation-which is absolutly true. but .Can anyone clear my confusion cuz i think she has not treated her clients fairly…(the same benifit would also be available to them hinting me of violation thanks
I personally thought the Ethics questions in the morning of Schweser Mock 1 were ridiculous.
I would say take it with a grain of salt. In my opinion I think they sometimes write questions poorly. The CFAI will be very clear come exam day. Just make sure your reasoning is sound and you’ll be fine.
thanks…yes i agree when i was studying ethics from CFA curriculum (thanks God i didn’t use shweser there) its was all very smooth and nice…in another question schweser says that analyst should not accept residence for research visit (but CFA book example indicated that member can take this if it is not lavish) I am confused cuz I performed very good in the excercise cases of CFA book but in my morning exam i scored horrific 38% (overall 74%) any advices plz?
they indicated that you could accept hotels, but best practice would be to pay for it. for example one guy worked for a trust dept and they required him to not accept accommodations.