ethics - schweser exam #2

don’t have this in front of me… but a couple of questions from memory. there was a vignette about a investment firm getting new client but they had to do all their trades thru brother-in-law at some “new” firm… then there was a new issue and the shares didn’t get allocated properly… but a couple of things, was the equity analyst permitted to be involved in the marketing of the new issue? i remember the answer being NO, but i just read last night it’s ok. there of course may have been a magic word i missed or i may be remembering the answer wrong. the brother-in-law broker “recommended” the new issue, and apparently this was wrong. hadn’t done a detailed evaluation… but what about brokers everyday phoning you as existing client and saying, “hey, i think you should pick up some of this new issue”. i mean, there are probably 10,000 calls taking place right now in the USA with that subject. is the broker really making a “recommendation”. maybe just wording when i get home tonight, i will check/correct this entry… thanks in advance!!!