Exam Cases and Answer Templates Seperate or one booklet?

Can anyone help me out here… is the exam booklet one set of papers / book and template for answers another set or are they combined in one… ? I took this thing in 2010 and can not remember how it was… and the AMs I have done from CFAI past exams so far are together which sucks…cause have to flip back and forth :frowning:

I’m quite sure it’s one book. Practice your page flipping cause we’re going to be doing a lot of it. My fingers are up to the task. However my brain is ready to go on strike.

That is brutal… how can they think that is a good idea to have it all in one booklet! would make so much more sense to do two booklets… where do I send my feedback LOL

What’s the problem with one booklet? I like it.

I’d like it even more it it was half a booklet.

Agree I hate this flipping back and forth one booklet thing, especially when you are writing on one page and have to flip back to the page behind it trying to get the details from the text! Going to send my feedback too

Reminder to ALL do not under any circumstance rip pages out of the booklet. I know you may have the urgency to use the “This Page is Intentionally Left Blank” pages in the back, but just flip to them when you need to.