Exam date 23rd June?

Really not sure I agree with that assumption.

GREAT NEWS for 2017 candidates!!

it’s telling that level 1 and 2 passing rates were the higher in 10 years!!

CFAI was obviously disturbed enough by the Ramadan impact to change it in 2018. It’s likely they observed something in the data. It’s possible Muslim candidates underperformed leading to a lower curve or the CFAI made a decision to lower the MPS…

either way… passing rate for level 3 this year may be the highest in many years

I can’t believe it’s been moved to 23rd. I am equally shocked and think it’s a little shocking that they do not run this by candidates first. Many people make plans in June on the notion that the exam date is always first saturday.

From a study perspective it just drags out the process too.

Between the debacle with results yesterday and this news today, it’s clear that the one thing we can all count on is pain. Both when you expect it and when you don’t.

This has not been thought out at all. A vast majority of candidates from the US and the UK benefit from having Memorial Day in the US and Bank Holiday in the UK the Monday before the exam. This would mean these candidates will have to taken an extra day off for a full revision week before the exam.

Thats not to mention having an exam around summer solstice will impeed on sleepimg patterns if you are in the northern hemisphere.

people will just adjust studying schedule… aka start cramming the second week of June

By middle of May I was already in the “I’m just trying not to forget anything” mode because I felt ready. If I have to retake it I’ll have to definitely start my studies later as I did begin to feel burnt out.

Ok like the fact that the 1 box / 2box theory is being pushed down the list of posts…

While I am not upset because this means more study time. Changing the date for the whole world just because of Ramadan is insane. Ramadan does not prevent muslims from taking exams or performing jobs. This is crazy!! There are so many religions out there CFA will not be able to accomodate everyone!! Do no mix religion and business, it’s bad.

What is “crazy” about that? I can’t see any harm in the delay.

It’s almost two weeks delay and this will give candidates more time to study.

CFAI will not be able to accommodate all religions! what is the basis for this odd argument? the logic says is that CFAI will do the same if any similar event happens with other religions.

You should be more humanistic, love good for others, and avoid being selfish.

CFAI just f’d up my summer… WTF, why not move it up to mid-May? Now as soon as we walk out of the exam, days are getting shorter, just ruined the best season of the year. Plus CFAI should be apolitical and a-religious. F it.

lol. Ok.

1- if u want more time to study start early

2- being humanitarian has nothing to do with moving an exam for Ramadan:

I am a Muslim and I know for a fact that in Ramadan muslims do perform all jobs and duties other wise Ramadan would have been a public holiday for all Muslim countries.

Also, I and many more muslims, would rather enjoy my Eid holidays after Ramadan rather than spend it studying

This is not the first time cfa exam happens in Ramadan, why wasn’t the test date moved before?

If anyone is being selfish is those who are asking the whole world to change exam date and move it to end of month because it’s in Ramadan. While they will be going to work and performing their jobs normally during Ramadan. It’s a bit extreme and for someone who knows islam very well, Ramadan is not a reason to prevent someone from taking a test.

CFAI has done this because they received hundreds maybe thousands of emails and complaints from fasting people. No harm if they postponed for two weeks. It’s two weeks not two months!

I have no complaints about them moving the date - June 2nd is smack-bang in the middle of Ramadan next year. I would prefer early May if it has to be moved (and if I’m unfortunate enough to re-sit).

I think their next move will be to offer the exam in foreign languages to accommodate non-English speakers.

Disclaimer: I am not Muslim.

of complaints before and after the exam - that would be interesting to see.

It would also be interesting to see the demographics of this years passing candidates to see if it had a real impact.

I am eager to see aggregated muslim pass rates before and after this change.

Everyone is getting so soft these days. Always worrying about peoples feelings and being little snowflake moonbats. The door has now been opened to move the date because it falls on someones wedding anniversary.

More like three weeks, but who’s counting? Those are three precious weeks of summer for those of us who live on the Northern Hemisphere, which happens to be where the majority of candidates reside. Vacations, weddings, family gatherings will have to be either postponed or not attended due to this, all because CFAI doesn’t want to appear insensitive to a vocal minority of candidates.

Also, for an organization that preaches transparency through GIPS and Ethics, they sure don’t appear to practice it. There was no notification that they were considering a date change. They didn’t even notify us via email when they did make the change. They posted on their website and are just now responding to the criticism on Twitter.

I bet you cry about every little thing that offends you online, snowflake.

This someone must be noisy.