Exam Details

Does anyone know the weights each section will carry in the exam?

Ethical and Professional Standards, 5-15 percent Investment Tools, ---------------------35-45 percent Quantitative Analysis, ------------------0-10 percent Economics, ------------------------------- 0-10 percent Financial Statement Analysis, -------15-25 percent Corporate Finance, ---------------------5-15 percent Asset Valuation, -----------------------35-45 percent Equity Investments, ------------------20-30 percent Fixed Income Investments, -----------5-15 percent Derivatives, ------------------------------0-10 percent Portfolio Management, ----------------5-15 percent source: Stalla

Thanks for that, found it on the CFA website. Similar to what you’ve shown, except that all sections will be covered. http://www.cfainstitute.org/cfaprog/courseofstudy/topicareaweights.html

Personally, I prefer to go by what the weights were on the actual June 07 exam. Financial Statement Analysis - 30.00% Equity Analysis - 20.00% Derivatives - 10.00% Ethical & Professional Standards - 10.00% Fixed Income Analysis - 10.00% General Portfolio Management - 10.00% Economics - 5.00% Quantitative Analysis - 5.00%

leveltwo, you’re in for a rude awakening then http://www.schweser.com/downloads/2008_CFA_Whats_New.pdf