Exam re-check

Hi all

Congratulations to all who passed.

I failed band 3 and had been doing quite well on mocks and felt the exam went well for me.

Has anyone any experience of looking for a recheck, do they actually re-check or just give you the same result?


Band 3 and you want a re-tab?

What were you scoring on mocks. You may have skipped a bubble.

I failed band 9, should I get a re-tab?

Alt, PM, and Quant below 50

Ethics and Econ above 70

All other 51-70

Thanks for any inputs

Should I try a retab with this? Item Set Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 18 - - * - Corporate Finance 36 * - - - Derivatives 36 - - * - Economics 36 - - * - Equity Investments 54 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * - - Financial Reporting & Analysis 72 - * - - Fixed Income Investments 36 - * - - Portfolio Management 18 - - * - Quantitative Methods 18 * - -

I was scoring 65%-75%. I was checking every 10 questions to make sure I was still on the right bubble. Very confused.

Thanks for you understanding.

Yes band 3 is completely out of line with my mocks and how the exam went. Had I got a band 9 I’d believe the score as being accurate 3 seems like an error. Or as pointed out above I may have missed a bubble, although I don’t think I did.

would band 9 be worth a re-tab? I dont think I passed to be honest

Feel for you, man. That’s a really bizarre place to be in. 65-75 on mocks should translate to a pass, or at worst a band 9-10. Doesn’t really make sense, especially if you are saying you felt good after the exam.

In cases like this it’d be really nice to somehow get feedback. Missed bubble, didn’t darken in enough, I don’t even know what else could cause this.

SAME THING! I got band 3, meanwhile was getting high 50’s low 60’s on mocks. I did 7 practice exams, and memorized roughly 600 flash cards.

I don’t believe my scores.

Damn man, I would say definitely a bubbling issue but it sounds like it wasn’t. Maybe it wasnt your day.

no one should get a re-tab… all they are going to do is check to see if they correctly added your total points. They aren’t going to regrade your exam. They’re just going to make sure that they did simple math correctly… that is all. If you feel like wasting $100, by all means. But, it’s not going to change your result.

I recommend to do it.My score same than yours different is mine:

Ethic low

Fix high

Quant high

Rest is same

and I passed so probably you and me quite close unless you high is 70% and mine is high is close to 100%.Unfortunately we do not know.

Before you spend $100, how about you call CFAI and let them know your concern. I’d specifically ask whether they’re going to simply add up your points, or whether someone will physically review your Scantrons to make sure, say, a proctor didn’t spill some coffee on one after collecting it (or whatever other scenario could be conjured that would somehow throw someone’s score off drastically).

It was my 3rd attempt June - 2013 level 1in first go June - 2014 band 5 June - 2015 band 9 And today band 10 With above 70 in equity, Fi, Derives and PM Below 50 in ethics and quants only Still cant believe… Was thinking about re tabulation but not sure what to do?

I’m in a similar boat… I was getting 60-70 on my mocks and usually getting close to 100 in alts as thats a field i work with alot.

On the exam, i walked out feeling like i had a decent shot of passing, and if i didnt pass, i thought it would be band 9/10 for sure. Ended up i got a band 3 and got below 50% in every category except Ethics and Corporate.

I finished the afternoon with 40-45 minutes to spare as I was flying through the problems with little trouble.

I guess maybe it was a skipped bubble which threw everything off but still really mind boggling and tough to swallow this type of a result

The band 3 mystery… tonight at 11

  • Alternative Investments 18 * - - - Corporate Finance 36 - - * - Derivatives 36 - * - - Economics 36 * - - - Equity Investments 54 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * - - Financial Reporting & Analysis 72 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 36 - - * - Portfolio Management 18 - * - - Quantitative Methods 18 * - -

My band score is 10. Should I go with a re-tab?

If you skipped a bubble, you’d be a bubble off on the last question you would assume.

It is very very strange indeed. I think I will go for a re-check

Hi Guys,

I failed in band 7.

I got :

above 70 in Alternative Investment, Derivative and Portfolio Management

51-70 in Quant, Ethics, Economics, Equity

less than 50 in FRA, Fixed Income and Corporate Finance.

For me getting less than 50 in Corporate Finance is very surprising and FRA was easy i should have got in Range 51-70.

Fixed income was my weakness

Considering this should i go for retabulation