Excel Finance World Championships 2012 (New York)

Was sent this today - Modeloff (www.modeloff.com).

Excel Financial Modeling World Championships. Event held in New York.

US$70k prizes. Microsoft, Bloomberg, Deloitte, S&P, Wall Stret Prep sponsors.

Looks like exciting competition. Starts next week October 13th 2012.

Are you ishing me? I should enroll and compete against all the oriental folks. First, I would strut on stage like a bawss! Get the drunk girls cheering as if a platinum rapper is immersing to drop a flow. I’d then UNPLUG the mouse from the computer, swing it around my head a few times, then toss it to the screaming groupies to fight over. I’d crush the competition only using excel shortcuts! I’d then spat at D&T to rep the CFA correct.

Looks like fun. I’d love to take part in it once I get a better grip on VBA. :slight_smile:


Zoolander cracks me up every time.

I bet there will be no HCB contestants and no contestants dating HCB.

this is basically an Indian and Chinese social convention…

This competition is far beyond the definition of dorky. I gotta check it out. Need too learn some new tricks and hoes. Crazy Yankees game Boozing, extra innings, Foreighner blasting on jukebox, bartender brunette is a cutie, she knows it, and I’m too drunk to even bother. Not like I’d get anywhere these days Go Yankees!

I imagine there might be some college girls that show up.

A few confused models may show up.

Awesome new photo btw CFAvsMBA! I nearly spat out my coffee at my desk this morning when I read this post and saw your new photo.

Sick of all you racists bashing Indians and Chinese people. Not cool guys!

shut it and get me a curry

Race war?


get me a dimsum :slight_smile:

Must be something in the food that makes them asians good with numbers

i think it has to do with the structure of asian languages and the habit of bargaining for the optimal price at thriving markets.

if you ever think you’re an excel guru, go to that competition to get your ego trashed and put back at the bottom of the geek food chain where it belongs. there are indian ballers there who take it as a personal insult if you offer them an external mouse. there are chinese players whose understanding of “build an LBO model” is ‘open a blank notepad sheet and VBA that shit through like a baws’. it’s the mortal kombat of ninja nerds with special shortcuts and custom-built macros, an entirely different hyperplane of hardcore supergeekdom that is beyond comprehension to you. you cannot achieve that status and you do not belong


can’t open, what’s the result