Facebook Ipo Mid May

I plan on reading the S1 soon, so I don’t have an investment opinion just yet, other than I expect it to pop the first day before settling in somewhere near the IPO price.

I read a sell side report this morning on FB, and the valuation model was ridiculous. 7% terminal growth, and the guy could still only get to $85B. I stopped reading after that, since I couldn’t focus on anything but how much he sounded like he belonged in 1999.

If LNKD can be worth 10 billion dollars then this thing can be worth 100 billion. I think until that thesis gets proven wrong we’re gonna have a very expensive facebook stock.

what is the pt of reading an S1 if you’re basically trading it short term? you don’t need to even read it actually, the P/E and P/S ratios tell you all. the other stuff is all qualitative…

Tikka, i think you should come here with some russian babes…

Two reasons -

First, I want to see if I want to take a longer-term position

Second, I use the product every day. So, I’m interested in what management has to say, whether I take a position or not

Anyone know how to get an account with Sharepost or similar site that allows you to buy pre-IPO shares? Thanks

I’m interested too, even though I don’t have any plans to participate. This is really the first big IPO of the millennial generation. It has lots of ramifications.

I’ve changed my mind and decided to put in a relatively low conditional offer ($30). But this is just pure gambling on my part. I bet there will be others like me once this thing lists.

Okay, so we’re at $38 making it a $104B company. Let’s guess opening trade, intraday high, and close.

First trade at $48; high of $68; and close at $51.

$47, $78, $75

You seem to be confusing gambling with investing…

I’ve got two words for you: “My Space”

we have ppl around me now saying…“its not really that expensive”…i’m putting on my headphones and shutting them out…i can’t stand it…


why are ppl even interested in this madness? i have been actively investing for about 4 years now, so i missed the craziness of the tech bubble…but this has to be the most absurd thing i have seen…

This doesn’t even come close to some internet IPOs back in the day. Watching CNBC from 1998-2000 on any given day you’d see another IPO up 300% in a day. It was manic.

This is stupid, but not even on the same level of stupid as Pets.com.

Agreed. I don’t like the valuation, but facebook makes excellent profits and is growing like a weed (for now). Pets.com made no money and had a business model that made no sense. Groupon was far closer to Pets.com than Facebook is.

That said, I think we’ll see a sizable pop. I bet it closes the day close to $75.

I’m just worried that when this bubble known as social networking pops, it will bring down the rest of the tech sector with it…

This is already going poorly.

While people are looking at facebook IPO. No one notices as Berkshire is inching towards the floor price of 1.1xBV.

The Intelligent Investor (Palantir) sits poised with his Roth IRA cocked and loaded.

Bloomberg and CNBC must have broken every ethics rule to hype this sucker…