Favorite scotch or whiskey

Bourbon = bottled ethanol gasoline. :wink:

Just got some drinking “rocks” and spherical ice molds for Christmas… The molds are probably a little gimmicky, but make for a nice presentation. The rocks are nice if you want to chill a nice whiskey w/o diluting.

Looking for a good bourbon thats heavy on the smokey, spicey notes if someone has some suggestions. Not too high-end; I’m thinking a good go to.

anyone try this?


The fact they call it whisky in the video annoyed me, it should be whiskey.

Tassie should stick to making shit hot pinot noir

man youre one angry mofo. i like that!

Call me lowbrow, but I enjoy drinking bourbon with just a touch of Coke. Drinking on the rocks or straight doesn’t appeal to me, but I can drill whiskey and Coke all night. Because at the end of the day, I drink to get drunk. That said, Maker’s.

Coulda sworn there was a better, more comprehensive (S2000 listing off his collection) thread on whiskey. Someone bumped the wrong thread!