Fear of living in poverty

When our first son was born, we had no medical insurance, and it was a complicated birth (a hair’s breadth from a Caesarian).

It took us almost two years to get the pink slip on him.

I know whereof you speak.

Sure it is similar to minimalism, but it is called poverty. From the gist of this thread it seems clear that there is a difference between financial poverty and religious poverty. We had to sign contracts before entering the community to practice poverty, chastity, and obedience. For me, chastity is the most difficult of the three.

Also, some who are in financial poverty may not be able to do religious poverty. Many in financial riches feel so secure by wealth that religious poverty is all but a laugh, as they will never give up their riches.

But, we have such role models such as St. Katharine Drexel, whose father was a prominent banker in PA and left her an enormously large sum of money; she gave it all up for religious poverty.


Some have poverty through giving things away and others have poverty from things being taken away.

Yes, but I think what they are saying is that you are not poor and never were.


I wish CvM was here to tell it how it is #freeCvM

So fasting is like starvation

You’ll never live like common people…


I would imagine those that chose poverty being much happier than those that were given it. As with everything its the choice that makes your situation unique and the ability of you to have your parents pay for you to go train with Bear Grylls next year when you decide you really want to be a mountain climber/wilderness explorer makes all the difference.

You are “playing” poverty, not living it.

Hears about the 1972 Andes crash where the survivors turned to cannibalism… “there are actually a lot of benefits to the caveman diet and spending time in the outdoors.”


Think of it this way ACE. You’ve chosen to go swimming in the deep end of a pool knowing you can swim back to the shallow end whenever you need to. People living in poverty have been dropped in the middle of Lake Superior. Sure, some of them might manage to swim to shore or be fortunate enough to have a passing boat pick them up, but most of them will drown.

ACE you a faker. I thought you were gonna get that joint MD/MBA combo?

Right on, Ace. Tell 'em!

Ok sure that’s a reasonable analogy.

But can we agree that taking on poverty means giving up pride and taking on humility.

While its possible, its also possibly another way for someone to blow themselves full of a lot of hot air as well

I too one day hope to reach the level of humility required to go online and talk about my humility.

Takes a lot of humility to trivialize other’s struggles.

Not really sure what you mean here.

Let me help you.