I signed up in May, finished Ethics, quant, and Econ. Then work got in the way and couldn’t study for 2.5 months. Just getting back into it now. I have a good grasp of finance. I’m studying from the CFA books only. I plan to skim through the chapters and do all the end of chapter questions. focus most of my time on questions instead of reading content. I’m on reading 25.
Can I please get some feedback on what would be a good study plan to make sure I can pass level 1 on Dec 7th?
If you have access to Schweser notes I would suggest to read those instead. It’s better to read the Schweser notes than to skim CFAI books. I don’t think skimming would be enough to understand the material. You want to cover everything and leave nothing to chance.
Last 4 weeks should be devoted to revision, answering EOC questions, practice exams and mocks. Also memorize all the formulae.
Level I exam is relatively easy but preparation is somewhat challenging.