FINRA Background employment check

So I am getting a promotion at work and becoming license as an investor banker and have to be background check by FINRA. The only thing is i lied about my employement for how long i worked at certain jobs. So my question is do i tell the truth to FINRA and take the chance with my job seeing the results and wonder why they dont much up, or do i lie again to FINRA and take the chance with them finding out that i didnt work for as long as stated.

Lying is unacceptable. PERIOD. It shows that you lack character. It also suggests, at least to me, that you will lie whenever you think you can get away with it. Therefore, I fervently hope that you never become a CFA charterholder. Speaking as a charterholder myself, I can assure you that I do not want even one charterholder colleague who does what you did. Period.

Hey guy,

Dont know exactly what you were replying about with being a chartholder or whatever you do, but wanted to let you know I passed and got the job!