I am using the Stalla system to prepare for the CFA (Dec 08). I did not buy the flashcards that they offered. Now I am debating my choice. Does anyone have an opinion on how useful the flashcards are?
I got the Schweser flash cards They’re somewhat nice because all the info is there and you don’t have to spend time writing them out. The problem is if you were making them you would write them out differently. Often a few key points are jammed into one card or other info is split up between a few cards and certain helpful charts are missing. If you are time constrained they’re good because you can sort through them quickly and pull out the cards you need to review. If you’re more budget constrained you could make the same thing (or better) with a stack of blank index cards. Making them on your own might be more helpful for retention anyway. If I were placing the order now, I probably wouldn’t buy the premade flash cards again. Just a thought. Hope that helps, MDD
Chasinggoats, You got pre-made flashcards from Schweser? I only ask because my purchase from Schweser came with flashcards with the LOS on one side, but blank on the other so I can use my own words to fill them in. In any case, I went through and made all 90 or so flashcards for quant and they have helped out. Mostly because when I have 10 minutes here and there at work, I just grab them and go through 10 or so.
Schweser does offer the pre-made flashcards (LOS on the front, key points on the back) and they also had a book last year with perforated cards with just the los on them last year. I find i retain information better if i summarize and make my own notes, so i made my own for key areas on Level 1 and Level 2. I found myself looking at a few questions on the exams and recalling a particular point i wrote out on the cards. I think they are a good idea but i also think you would benefit from making your own vs getting the pre-printed cards or even filling out the blank cards from schweser.
I personally find the Stalla flashcards very useful to review major concepts right before quizzing myself or to keep older material fresh. The suggestion about bringing to work is a good one, I’m going to start doing that.
i used schweser level 1 cards and found them to be good, altho i only used half of em b/c i was short on time. but i know for certain i will order em for level 2. they hit on every LOS pretty much and contain all the main points. the risk of making cards yourself is that you may miss some important info. but on the other hand, making em yourself will save you 150 bucks.
Stalla is very good at flashcards.
Thanks for all the feedback. Any one wanting to unload their flashcards, before I place my order in the next 2 days?
Paul, Yes, I didn’t realize the blank cards came with the rest of the material - oops!
Hmm, I have the do it yourself schweser cards… they’re helpful for me when i’'m not concentrating or understanding very well, because filling them forces me to really get into the material. One thing, though, is that i always write in the front of the cards. Thinking it better, it might be good to fill them on the back, to quiz myself on every los when i review the cards. Anyway, it does take more time to study like this, but helps retention. I imagine its only effective to use them for tough subjects.
With what material do the Schweser do it yourself flashcards come with? Is it only with one of the packages?
I def like the Schweser flash cards, If you find that you can’t jam all the info there, you can just type them and print them out in small size font; however, I would advice that you only try to put on the most important things on the cards, everything should fit there with no problem.
I just received the stalla flashcards, and find them very useful to do quick concept checkers. I trully recomend them.