For all those living with H1B -- Green Card is a b!tch

Anyone else waiting for a GC in the US feeling the same ? GC wait is a career screwer !!!

Why should the US owe you any visa at all if you are a foreign national?

Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why should the US owe you any visa at all if you > are a foreign national? +1

I can understand the process is tedious but that’s not your birth right and one should be thankful that they even got an opportunity to work here on employment visa and there is a chance to stay in this country for good. Agree with HMW.

It is just never enough for some people.

ws Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It is just never enough for some people. and then they cry like a b!tch that stress is too much, positivity etc etc. Market is integrated at some level and they can always get a job in their home country but they want to stick here working in IT etc for 10 years until they get their green card and then come to AF asking how can they move from IT to Finance/Front Office jobs. Just go back or stop crying… end of rant…

The fun part is when people on a H1B “buy” a house with a mere 20% down or even less, and then the visa expires and no employer is willing to take a second look at them. If married, that sounds like hell.

BullPow Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > GC wait is a career screwer !!! Just addressing the above comment: Yes, waiting for a Green Card is a real career killer. However, once you have the Green Card, you can apply to all the back office jobs in the world and get rejected. Because at the end, you spent 6 to 8 years “stuck” waiting for the permit. But you know what, at the end of the day I feel terribly lucky to have a Green Card and being able to live in the US. Accounting rocks!

Glad you are happy AlexP

Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why should the US owe you any visa at all if you > are a foreign national? It doesn’t at all, agreed, however, don’t you think America is much stronger if we have more intelligent and educated professionals from other countries? I mean, don’t you think guys like mo34, Mobius Striptease, adavydov7, who weren’t born and raised here make this country a better, stronger, and more vibrant place? I’d rather have 1000000 of them than 1000000 red necks from the southern USA any day thumping their bibles and being stupid.

I agree that immigration makes the US better. In fact, I was not born in America. However, this does not mean that the US is not doing us a favor by letting us live here. I am thankful for this every day. Furthermore, if the immigration process was easy, it would eliminate the purpose that you mentioned - to only get the most qualified people from other countries.

pupdawg82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Glad you are happy AlexP Just in case my previous post is misunderstood: I love living in this country, raising my family and working.

^ True, good point. Good that the process is tough so that we get the best. I am a naturalized US citizen and I feel so god damned lucky. Good luck to all you people trying to get H1Bs visas or green cards.

well anyone coming in on an H1B knows what they are getting into so I don’t really feel bad for you. There are so many ways to ‘get it done’ that I don’t really respect the complainers either. I rather like that our system in a way weeds out the best and the brightest not only explicitly but implicitly though the process. Good for us (arguably) bad for the nations getting raided (arguably). @ sublimity- you are missing about a 1000000 factors in your astute reasoning.

@ akanska please elaborate what i’m missing by my thinking that having more of people like mo34, Mobius Striptease, and adavydov7 is better than having stupid red necks. i know you are a very aggressive ENTJ, but back up your aggressive comments with reasons. please limit each of the 1000000 factors to one line each, biatch.

The process is really super duper inefficient, not sure that it actually filters any sort of desirable characteristic…other than persistence.

sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @ akanska > please limit each of the 1000000 factors to one > line each, biatch. Cat fight!

^ lol, i’m going to be brianr and akanska is going to be artvandalay. it is not going to be pretty, hahahah!

Easy guys !!! Dont overnalyze or go anti immigrant on me… I am one of those guys who is here to embrace the culture… I agree with AlexP. My rant is just for the tedious process imposed on certain countries based on quotas… I hope I will be grateful, happy and be able explore more opportunities here… —Why should the US owe you any visa at all if you are a foreign national? I never said that … but if you insist, I have to give a stupid answer to a stupid question… …since I gave number of years of my youth to the US, paid taxes ( far more than an average tax payer does !!!), helped the economy grow and going to help USA grow culturally brining my culture to the melting pot… ----The fun part is when people on a H1B “buy” a house with a mere 20% down or even less, and then the visa expires and no employer is willing to take a second look at them. If married, that sounds like hell. Yes, what a nightmare… but you know what… I am just guessing knowing about H1Bs…The percentage of foreclosures from H1B employees will be 0.1 % if not less… Also, note that the 20% downpayment made here directly contributed to the US economy… Salute those guys for not wiretransferring the money to the east… —I can understand the process is tedious but that’s not your birth right and one should be thankful that they even got an opportunity to work here on employment visa and there is a chance to stay in this country for good. Thank you for your understanding… I am just ranting… I think everyone has a right to rant ( fifth ammendment ??? btw… constitution protects both legal and illegal immigrants) … Hell–YA I am thankful for the opportunity to work here or for that matter anywhere… --Just addressing the above comment: Yes, waiting for a Green Card is a real career killer. However, once you have the Green Card, you can apply to all the back office jobs in the world and get rejected. Because at the end, you spent 6 to 8 years “stuck” waiting for the permit. But you know what, at the end of the day I feel terribly lucky to have a Green Card and being able to live in the US. Accounting rocks! Thanks …that gives me a chance to do other things like pursue other opportunties, go back to school etc… etc… and finally … —and then they cry like a b!tch that stress is too much, positivity etc etc. Market is integrated at some level and they can always get a job in their home country but they want to stick here working in IT etc for 10 years until they get their green card and then come to AF asking how can they move from IT to Finance/Front Office jobs. Just go back or stop crying… end of rant… Haha beneath me to respond to this…

BullPow, Good luck! I wish you the best.