For the first time.. 'Distraction'

I felt life running through my veins in months. It’s a beautiful sunny morning outside and i went on the balcony, looked at the basil and tomato plants, touched them and the soil, and got overwhelmed by nature. I got a shiver running down my back. Life is beautiful.

I tried to grow tomatoes once, but they kept getting eaten by horn worms.

I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself what a wonderful world. I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night And I think to myself what a wonderful world. The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do They’re really saying I love you. I hear babies cry, I watch them grow They’ll learn much more than I’ll never know And I think to myself what a wonderful world Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I know what you mean though barthezz . . . I had a vision today in spin class, was very moving . . . about life and possibilites after the exam.

Phil, When they claim that the CFA demands a lot of dedication, effort and commitment they do not lie. All the effort we all put in was enormous. But at the same time, I realized I totally neglected myself, my friends,… I was like a robot, having traits of convulsive discipline, trying to soak in as much as possible, but life, health and happiness are much more important.

These are really touching.

I woke up and it’s pouring rain that will not stop all day…on the way to starbux I am. Have 2.5 books to review for the last time.

went out to Starbucks~ enjoy a nice meal and coffee, watching people coming and going in rush, suddenly realized what a wonderful life we would get back after tomorrow One day to go, summer would be there waiting for us:)

Kevin, dude, you did have coffee!!

Since we all are about to have a BREAKUP with CFAI… here’s an article on how to do it without being too attached…LOL Breakup Survival Kit by eHarmony Staff Someone you care about—maybe even love—has just ended your relationship and your heart is breaking. It’s a relentless hurt you can’t seem to escape. It impacts your thoughts, energy, appetite, and sleep. You used to think the phrase “broken heart” was just a metaphor, but now you’re not so sure since there’s an actual throbbing pain somewhere in the vicinity of your chest. Sound familiar? If you’re suffering the effects of a painful break-up, there are no quick fixes or easy solutions. It just plain hurts. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps toward healing. Here are four strategies to get you started: Activate your endorphins. Our bodies produce endorphins as a natural pain-killer and to generate a sense of well-being. This is God-given biochemistry that is far healthier and more effective than anything synthetic. Exercise is one of the best ways to experience the rush of endorphins. So start working up a sweat. Go jogging, take a long bike ride, or hike in the hills. It’s true: One of the best ways to mend a broken heart is to get it pumping hard. Sidestep emotional landmines. People in pain are often gluttons for punishment. They reread old love letters. They stare longingly at photos of happier times. They return to places where meaningful and romantic events occurred. While nursing a wounded heart, it’s best to avoid reminders of your recently ended relationship. Maybe someday it will be helpful to meander—and mourn—down memory lane. But amid acute heartache, give yourself a break and let the past stay in the past. Muzzle your inner Eeyore. Is that voice inside you starting to sound like Winnie-the-Pooh’s pessimistic pal? It’s easy to give free reign to your inner Eeyore, but now’s the time to silence those dreary declarations. The next time you find yourself thinking “I can’t go on without this person in my life” or “There must be something wrong with me,” make a conscious decision to rewrite the script. You don’t have to give yourself puffed-up pep talks or phony flattery–just be intentional about telling yourself the truth: “Yes, I am grieving a great loss, but I’ll get through this and go on to experience happiness and joy again.” Lean on those who love you. When feeling down and depressed, most of us just want to crawl in our cave and lick our wounds. “Leave me alone while I wallow in my sorrow!” Resist the temptation to isolate. After all, suffering in silence only prolongs the pain. Call upon people who care about you. Let them surround you with support, share your burdens, and bolster your self-esteem. On the journey toward finding lifelong love, nearly everyone will experience heartache and hurt. Thankfully, there are things you can do to speed the recovery process and regain your sense of joy, hope, and purpose.

Oh, come on!!!

Do you know how many people come on this board reporting a broken heart from some girl breaking up with them and we have to play therapist to keep them motivated? Have some humor, I’m about to dump CFAI myself and release myself back into society.

I do have some, Nep-hi. :slight_smile: I just think eHarmony is very old fashioned. Have a good break-up yourself.

Thanks! You too:) I personally think e-H is efficient at mass filtration, however, beware of the selection pool…lol Love is worth fighting for but man does it take a lot of energy.

Nep-hi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Do you know how many people come on this board > reporting a broken heart from some girl breaking > up with them and we have to play therapist to keep > them motivated? > yes me. my gf broke up with me last week after more than 1yr… now it just puts a smile on my face because life plays all these tricks on you. but it takes you lots of guts to stand up and try to focus on the exam when your mind/heart/soul are not at peace. but i’ll second that true love is worth fighting for. :slight_smile: good luck to you all tomorrow.

I’ll be cheering for you! It’s hard to find a good sensitive loving man…sounds like you are one. It does take a while to heal when you loved someone so much…but you win some you lose some, one day, time/location/the stars will line up for you;) [and me too…hahaha] Nothing in live is free, everything is freaken fight… sighhh good luck to you too!