Free book on accounting for IFRS in a South African context


I’m an academic of 17 years standing at a good South African university, and I’ve written a comprehensive book (837 pages) on Financial Reporting in South Africa. This work is essentially stock-standard and highly detailed IFRS-application in a country-specific tax and corporate law environment. I’m offering it for free to our CFA forum friends, and anyone else who may be interested.

You’ll find the specific copyright restrictions and terms of use on page ii of the book. They’re not especially onerous, and there are no hidden catches. You can get your copy, which you can then freely pass on to your friends, colleagues and acquaintances, from me at


(The cat’s name is Mishka)

Some clarifications on the free book offer: - You will not be asked to pay anything. Just to comply with the basic copyright conditions. - The book is in pdf format, approx 5Mb. - It deals with pure IFRS, not a country-specific version. - There are around 300 detailed numerical examples of applying IFRS in the book. - Even though it uses South African tax rates and laws, that doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant in other countries. For example, in South Africa the corporate tax rate is 28% (the book uses 30% to simplify the arithmetic), depreciation is allowed for tax purposes at rates that are often different from the accounting rates, and for tax purposes all leases (including finance/capital leases) are treated as operating. Maybe this sounds familiar for your country? - In any case, most of the book is independent of whatever tax rates and laws apply in a given country. - This is the 10th edition of the book. Every year since 2002, I’ve gone through a lengthy update process to deal with that year’s changes and additions to IFRS. For 2012, I’m going to take a break (Level 3 exam is looming), and while I decide on the book’s future, I’m making the 2011 edition free-to-copy. I’m mainly interested in getting comments and reactions, and gauging the level of interest in the book. Mark