Free CFAI mock/sample exams

I recall from level 1, that CFAI provides every candidate a sample or mock exam to assess knowledge. I am trying to search the site but am not able to locate where I can take the online exam similar to what I took in the previous level. I only found a downloadable mock exam. Is the downloadable format the “free” exam CFAI is giving out now or am I missing something? In level 1, I remember taking a timed free exam (albeit, a very short one). I would like to take the same for level 2. Any comments?

its not free anymore, there are 2 that cost $40 each

There is one mock exam available for free download, it’s the samples that aren’t free.

^ Yes, I have noted the above download, however, I am looking for the same type of online/timed exam that I went through when I took level 1. As nl0711 said, CFAI does not give out any free practice exams anymore for level 2. Can anyone else confirm if this is true? If so, I will just have to wing it on Sunday!

THEY ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE. ASK PREVIOUS EXAM TAKERS! EOC questions are better indication of what exams will be like, at least the way of wording and the points they try to address.

Again, this is with respect the the free sample/mock exams which simulate the actual test, and not about whether EOC questions are representative of actual exam questions.

Why are free mock tests not provided for level 2?