FRM – CFA Level 2 Candidates Registering and Associated Costs

I originally posted this thread in the FRM forum. Unfortunately there does not appear to be much traffic. Also, I wanted to see what other L2 candidates are going to sit for FRM in November.

Do I have the costs right for the FRM? Assuming a candidate registers for both exams before the July 31st cutoff:

Enrollment: $300 FRM I Exam: $350 FRM I Books: $250 FRM II Exam: $350 FRM II Books: $295

Total (not including shipping on books): $1545

Is that right? Are there any other costs? I am assuming people buy practice exams, 3rd party study materials, etc. Are candidates forced to buy the books at registration?

This is really adding up…

Anyone who recently sat for Level 2 taking FRM?

I did FRM level 1 last november 2012 and it took me 3/4 weeks to digest the L1 plus one week to practice exam questions. There are probably between 50 to 60% overlap with CFA L1 and L2 curriculum.

I would recommend to use the Bionic Turtle study notes, this is the equivalent to Schweser for FRM, it cost 399 dollars and 599 dollars for both part 1 and 2 and this is much concise that the official curriculum.

*The exam questions are not as vicious as for the CFA L2 exam could be (I’m referring to mock 2013 or CFA 2012)

Agree with fredde. I sat for FRM Part 2 in May and took CFA Level 2 in June. A lot of the FRM material overlaps with the CFA information so it definitely helped me prepare for the exam.

Bionic Turtle is a spectacular website for the FRM. I would suggest you pick up their Tier 1 and see how you like it. If you want to add then you just pay the incremental costs to add the Tier 2 and Tier 3 products. They provide a lot of great questions for you to try out and really drills the information into your head.

Are candidates required to purchase the texts with registration? I can’t find a clear explanation on their site. Also, if the material does not change from May to November, do candidates sell materials after results are posted?

Thanks for any and all help!

Nope it’s not required to purchase the books at registration.


Is that ALL you used- Bionic Turtle?No HULL book?

I am thinking about it as well but I have always had an issue with understanding what texts are required and whats optional.


Why there are very few people talking or taking PRMIA even after it had been launched for nearly a decade? Why doesn’t this board include PRMIA? Do people still think FRM is superior to PRMIA or FRM dominate the market in all aspects? Of course FRM existed long and more people are under the unbrella of FRM. But hasn’t PRMIA got significant share?

What is PRMIA? I’d google but I’d rather not.