Full Analysis of June 2011 L3 Results Distribution

As promised, please see the link below. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwoaXamLWQIONzJjMzkxYzYtNWQyZS00ZGU1LWFmOTQtZmFhYzhlM2VlNGY0&hl=en_US

WOW…how much time did you spend on this?

Sadly, too much. I took the whole week off from work :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks forzajuve. You do not have to share all the information here. Maybe you should sell them to CFA preparation schools.

Holy $hit dude - nice job. Thanks for putting that together.

Excellent stats. Thanks

Wow… cool. What’s up with Q5 on the AM section? Most people fail that part. I cannot remember what was the Asset Allocation question now.

Incredible. Thanks for the nice work.

two 36 point afternoon sessions. If greater than 70, Lowest Possible score per section 75%. six 18 point afternoon sessions. If greater than 70, Lowest Possible score 83.33% per section. If 50< “x” <= 70, only one possible score for 18 points session. 66.66%. 36 point session. two possible. 58.333 and 66.66%. Does the 40/60/80 rule create a downward bias?

Definately some interesting stats. Unfortunately minimal stats on the Band 10’s which would give us more information on the pass mark. Here are my results if you are still adding them. Portfolio Management - Individual 16 * - - Portfolio Management - Individual 22 - * - Portfolio Management - Institutional 26 - * - Economics 23 - - * Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 20 * - - Fixed Income Investments 19 - * - Equity Investments 22 - * - Portfolio Management - Risk Management 16 - - * Portfolio Management – Performance Eval. 16 * - - Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% Alternative Investments 18 - * - Economics 18 - - * Equity Investments 18 * - - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * Fixed Income Investments 36 - - * Portfolio Management - Execution 18 * - - Portfolio Management - Individual 18 - * - Portfolio Management - Risk Management 18 * - - Band 9

Wow very impressive. Thanks for such a beautiful work.

Good job. but if exact numer has to be shown then, (0, 16.7, 33.3, 50), (66.7), (83.3, 100) very few possibility of 0, and if we apply middle numer then, 33.3, 66.7, 91.7 is result. So 40/60/80 rule actually possibly downwarded? when seeing your data might be a little concentrated in the middle score around 60. Many passers seen as having score around lated in 60 ~ early in 70, but actually it could be early of 70 ~ around 80? especially in PM, one actually would have a lot high score than what 40/60/80 shows.

…bump…we will require this again in some days from now…

Mmmmm… MPS is around 60%

assuming a 40 60 80. I would be slightly more pessimistic and drop to 30

wow, i just saw this for the first time. I got screwed last year. I’m the 2nd highest score to get a failing grade based on the people that contributed their results last year. I guess as long as i passed this year i won’t care. fingers crossed.

Anyone that was a band 9 or 10, will be really pissed when they see page 85… I still can’t wrap my head around that one. 7/17 under 50% and 4/17 were 51%<70%. It is a real head scratcher trying to figure out how it was a pass.

Sorry, page 141 might be worse… just amazing.

Band 9 and 10 are very close to passing, if you saw my results from my first L2 attempt your jaw would drop.

I had a bad day myself last year. That notwithstanding, some of these pass results were shocking.