G@ys in Finance

whats wrong with 2 ghay girls sleeping together?

It’s an old 4chan post. The original is about as awesome as awesome gets.

Edit: What was the sink post?

Where the candidate is having a stomach emergency during the exam break, but is forced to use the sink because of the long line to the bathroom

The sink post is about some guy who really had to take a crap at the Javits Center before the test but all the stalls were taken so he (allegedly) took a crap in the sink with comic absurdities ensuing afterward. It was probably one of the funniest things I’ve read on the internet.

Ah, right. I blocked that from my memory.

Edit: Here’s the original terminator prose. It’s internet famous, known as the Terminator Ritual:

My morning ritual. I call it “the terminator”. First I crouch down in the shower in the classic “naked terminator” pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing Arnold and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. But if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins my fantasy


Note the last post where ohai trolls the thread LOOOOOL

Here is the sink story:


Cut-and-paste still not working in IE.

I just bumped the Terminator post. It has manifested itself in both the Level 2 and Level 3 forums.

EDIT - Sweep and Bromion beat me to it.

Yeah, the Terminator Ritual is right up there with Bloodninja (“I put on my robe and wizard hat”) and, what I think might be the funniest anecdote of all time - “Are you f*cking sorry!”

For those unfamiliar, you’ll have to google them on your own. Can’t access them at work.

Former Trader worked with a gay dude.

Trading is the most black and white job there is. You can quantify your results and cannot hide if you suck at your job. other jobs have more of a grey area.

My favourite thread was from Bleron who guaranteed he would pass L2 with only 7 days of study.

Well said sir.

Hey what’s wrong with the title? Is the word “gay” a bad word that you have to substitute it with something else?

I agree that gay-focused wealth management could be a profitable niche. However, an outwardly gay wealth manager might face a disadvantage when dealing with 90%+ of wealth management clients, who are straight, old, and potentially grumpy. This might offset any advantage that the wealth manager receives with the small minority of gay clients. Also, it remains to be seen that straight wealth managers cannot master gay finance issues to the same degree, or that gay clients will have a significant preference towards gay managers.

There’s a huge RIA in San Francisco that’s run by two gay dudes. They manage about a bil.

I don’t know that many rich people care that much about the sexual preference of their staff or anyone working for them.

Honestly speaking, gay people working in a professional enivronment do not wear pink sparkly suits. i don’t think they are offensive to 90% of the population. for people who breathe money, most of them can care less about who they sleep witih, probably better that they are gay and do not have their eyes on their pretty wives or girlfriends.

Can confirm.

Source: used to be a gay wealth manager.

Yeah, did the B man get banned?